students walking near the Memorial Union

Career support

Personalized career support to achieve your professional goals

Mary Lou Fulton College for Teaching and Learning Innovation offers meaningful experiences that bridge the gap between your passions and your professional goals. The professional development placements at MLFC are designed to empower future educators by providing real-world experience in the professional setting of their interest.

Do you want tailored career support?

MLFC has a dedicated career coach who works one-on-one with current students to help them plan for their post-graduation goals. Learn more about the free services offered by our career coach, explore community job opportunities or schedule an appointment today.

Career coaching

Career opportunities

America Reads in action in the classroom

America Reads

The America Reads Challenge is a comprehensive, nationwide effort to create in-school, after-school, weekend and summer tutoring programs in reading. The America Reads Program at ASU provides educational resources for families and also partners with local community organizations and Title I schools to provide tutoring and mentoring programs for underserved youth. ASU students, both undergraduate and graduate, may apply for paid positions with opportunities for promotion within America Reads.

Learn about America Reads

students meeting in a courtyard at night

Request escalated support

If you are a student – or know a student – who needs escalated support, please submit a Support Our Students form. By submitting this form, MLFC leadership will initiate coordinated care strategist intervention to help you with your concern as quickly as possible.

Submit an SOS