A photograph of five ASU alumni seated panel-style across a long table, holding their hands up with the ASU pitchfork symbol. Signs on the table read "Once a sun devil, always a sun devil."

Mary Lou Fulton College for Teaching and Learning Innovation alumni

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On Feb. 8, 1886 — almost 30 years before Arizona was granted statehood — the Territorial Normal School, Arizona’s first higher education institution, opened its doors to 33 students studying to become teachers in Arizona’s public schools. From its humble beginnings, and throughout becoming Arizona State University and launching more than a dozen new transdisciplinary schools, ASU has maintained a century-plus commitment to educator preparation.

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alumni teachers in a classroom

Mary Lou Fulton College for Teaching and Learning Innovation proudly continues ASU’s legacy of teacher preparation and has expanded the original mission to include redefining what it means to be an educator in any environment where learning and development take place, from schools to non-profit organizations, to private enterprise and more. MLFC is one of the few colleges of education in the nation that excels at both teacher preparation and world-class research. Our commitment extends beyond graduation and includes deep collaboration and partnership with alumni.

MLFC alumni are lifelong learners and are part of a community that continuously strives to improve education for children and learners everywhere. We are committed to providing our alumni with the resources and community needed to create knowledge, mobilize people and take action to improve education.

Alum in a brightly lit boardroom

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As an MLFC alum, we would love to spotlight you in our communications. From sharing fond memories during your time as a student, to a snapshot view of your career, help us foster a deeper connection across past and future generations of MLFC students by completing this brief survey.


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