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Education workforce solutions

Partner with us

Benefiting learners, educators and their communities

Mary Lou Fulton College for Teaching and Learning Innovation is a top-ranked college of education that partners with school and system leaders to empower the education workforce by developing better ways for people to enter the profession, specialize and advance.

We collaborate closely with our partners to understand their unique workforce needs and bring people and ideas together to increase the capabilities of individual educators, increase the effectiveness of teams and improve the performance of education systems.

partnership discussion in the library
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We work at the speed of trust to develop solutions designed to meet specific school and system needs

At Mary Lou Fulton College for Teaching and Learning Innovation, we can partner with you to:

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Strengthen educator pipeline and retention

We can connect you to new people and work with you to design accessible pathways for those already in your system so they can advance while still working with you.

Enhance your teams

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Deliver meaningful professional learning

We offer a growing inventory of dynamic experiences that empower committed educators to deepen their knowledge, acquire new skills and develop robust peer networks.

Explore professional learning

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Develop and retain high-potential leaders

We offer degree and non-degree leadership programs designed to develop leaders who can connect people and ideas to improve schools and systems for leaders, educators and their communities.

Nurture leadership

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Design and implement strategic staffing models

To build the Next Education Workforce™, we work with schools and partners to redesign education for learners and educators by creating team-based strategic staffing models.

Explore models

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Expand learning opportunities for your students

We collaborate with school and community leaders to create and provide students with learning opportunities through community engagement and targeted learning programs.

Work with students

educators strategizing in school hallway

Who we are

ASU’s Mary Lou Fulton College for Teaching and Learning Innovation is a world-class college of education that excels at both educator preparation and research.

Our college mission is to create knowledge, mobilize people and take action to improve education. Our university charter exhorts us to assume fundamental responsibility for the economic, social, cultural and overall health of the communities we serve.

In pursuit of that mission and in alignment with that charter, we bring people and ideas together to increase the capabilities of individual educators and the performance of education systems.

We know there are no magic solutions. We know context matters and every school is its own world. We honor variance among learners, educators and communities. 

We are built for collective action through deep partnerships founded on trust.

We invite you to take action with us.
