West Bank-Gaza Preservice Teacher Education Project
Principal investigator
Samuel DiGangiDirect sponsor
International Research and Exchanges BoardAward start date
09/28/2017Award end date
09/27/2022Originating sponsor
United States Agency for International Development
The challenge
Attracting 40,000 teacher applicants each year, West Bank’s Ministry of Education and Higher Education reports that few of those candidates are competent in the delivery of student-centered teaching and learning approaches. Recognizing that qualified teachers are essential to the continued growth of its education system, the Palestinian Authority directed MOEHE to aggressively pursue new, innovative avenues to develop a high-quality teacher workforce ensuring that all students receive a world-class education.
The approach
Through the Preservice Teacher Education Activity, ASU, the International Research and Exchanges Board and Palestinian higher education institutions collaborate with MOEHE to improve the quality of education diploma programs for future teachers. The Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College Center for Advanced Studies in Global Education brings the college’s experience with innovative preservice programs and practicum models. The project convenes and leads the processes of reviewing and updating preservice standards, developing educational diploma programs of study, and training and providing ongoing mentoring support to university faculty and staff in the administration of educational diploma programs and practicum experiences. PTEA provides guidance and opportunities for education organizations within the West Bank to assess current standards, as well as to define the ideal movement forward in teacher development and certification to best meet the needs of student learning outcomes.
Findings and impact
By 2022, PTEA will support Palestinian higher education institutions in improving their education diploma programs; specifically, upgrading and revising teacher preparation courses in grades 7–12 through strong, sustainable linkages between Palestinian and U.S. institutions. At least 50 higher education institution faculty members will improve their performance, as will MOEHE and the Accreditation and Quality Assurance Commission. At least 150 teaching faculty and 400 education administrators and officials will receive training to extend their capacity to effectively prepare teachers to improve student learning outcomes. At least 2,400 teachers, educators and teacher assistants will be trained to provide student-centered learning in their classrooms in the West Bank in the induction period of the program. Ultimately, 80 percent of preservice teachers who participate in education diploma programs supported by PTEA will pass the revised MOEHE recruitment exam.