Inaugural Symposium of the Comparative and International Education Society

Highlights from the first Symposium of the Comparative and International Education Society hosted by the Office of Global Engagement

November 10-11, 2016

“The Possibility and Desirability of Global Learning Metrics: Comparative Perspectives on Education Research, Policy and Practice.”

Learning outcomes have been enshrined as central policy objectives in the new international education and development agenda – specifically in the post-2015 United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Unlike goals that seek to universalize access for education, for which consensus is strong, debates around learning are considerably more contested. While proponents argue that more robust global learning metrics have the potential to reduce academic disparities and improve learning outcomes for children across different contexts, critics note that such universal measures typically focus on a narrow assessments of basic skills while overlooking the importance of human rights, aesthetics, morality, religion, or spirituality. Others point to the dangers associated with the emergence of the data-fixated punitive accountability regimes, privatization and marketization of public education, and a growing disconnect between systems, actors, and larger pedagogic changes. More broadly, the debate about the global learning metrics reveals an underlying tension in our field - a tension between the desire to replicate and scale up “best practices,” on the one hand, and the awareness about the importance of deeply contextualized practice, on the other hand.

Symposium format

The curriculum for the symposium will incorporate an alternating series of keynote plenary debates and parallel sessions. The conference plenaries will feature opening statements representing different sides of the argument by invited experts - policy-makers, practitioners, activists, and academics - followed by a focused moderated debate to develop a shared language and build shared knowledge of the issues at hand. While the plenary speakers have been invited by the conveners, we are inviting paper submissions for parallel sessions. 

Thematic questions

The CIES 2016 Symposium will bring together education policymakers, practitioners, activists and scholars to engage in a focused debate about the desirability and feasibility of global learning metrics. The following questions will be used to guide symposium discussions:  

Theme 1. Conceptualizing global learning metrics: What should be assessed?

  • What balance should be sought between the assessment of basic numeracy and literacy skills and the measurement of learning outcomes related to citizenship, human rights, sustainability, history, aesthetics, morality, religion and/or spirituality?
  • Can global learning metrics consider alternative worldview, linguistic and cultural heritage of historically marginalized groups in the society in which they reside?

Theme 2. Agencies, actors and stakeholders: Who determines what should be measured?

  • What role have different stakeholders played in mobilizing the current focus on learning outcomes and their measurement? Which actors and agencies should determine what gets taught and measured?
  • How should comparative education researchers address the critical issue of equity/inequalities in learning in terms of conceptualization, measurement and policy?

Symposium Papers

OGE Working Paper #2
An Examination of the Influence of International Large Scale Assessments and Global Learning Metrics on National School Reform Policies by Gustavo E. Fischman & Amelia Marcetti Topper with the collaboration of Iveta Silova, Jessica L. Holloway, & Janna Goebel

OGE Working Paper #1
The Possibility and Desirability of Global Learning Metrics: Commentaries

Symposium videos

Video and audio highlights from the Inaugural Symposium of the Comparative and International Education Society hosted by the Office of Global Engagement and edXchange.

Are global learning metrics desirable?

  • David Edwards, Education International
  • Eric Hanushek, Stanford University
  • Silvia Montoya, UNESCO Institute for Statistics
  • Karen Mundy, Global Partnership for Education, University of Toronto
  • Facilitator: Iveta Silova, Arizona State University


Are global learning metrics feasible?

  • Monisha Bajaj, University of San Francisco
  • Aaron Benavot, UNESCO Global Monitoring Report, University at Albany-SUNY
  • David C. Berliner, Arizona State University
  • Facilitator: Gustavo Fischman , Arizona State University


Can global learning metrics be pedagogically innovative?

  • Chris Higgins, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • Radhika Gorur, Deakin University
  • Pasi Sahlberg, University of Helsinki and Arizona State University
  • Facilitator: Sherman Dorn, Arizona State University

Can global metrics be culturally responsive?

  • Supriya Baily, George Mason University
  • Stafford Hood, Center for Culturally Responsive Evaluation & Assessment, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • Hugh McLean, Open Society Foundations
  • J. Douglas Willms, University of New Brunswick
  • Facilitator: Gustavo Fischman, Arizona State University

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