Community-to-School Directory

Connect with local organizations ready to support learning

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Enrich your learning environment with community educators. Search the directory to find Arizona community-based organizations or businesses ready to partner with teachers and schools.

Community educators are youth-serving professionals and volunteers who provide capacity and insight in service of deepening and personalizing student learning. Next Education Workforce™ teams leverage community educators with additional knowledge and skills to complement the work of professional educators. Grounded in values of diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging, the Community-to-School Directory is designed to be a resource that improves outcomes for both learners and educators.



Join the directory

Interested in having teachers and schools find your organization? Submit your organization to be reviewed and added to the directory.



Inspirato Education

We provide experiential STEAM & Cultural Education Programs for Pre-K to 8th grade students, TEAMwork programs for grades 4-12, and STEAMwork programs for grades 4-8, and TEAMwork and Inspirational Training & Professional Development for staff, educators, & administrators. We believe in the importance of consciously designing curriculum that incorporates culture, tradition, travel, history, and diversity coupled with STEAM educational principles in order to design rich, unique, culturally diverse, disguised educational experiences that are not only fun, but impactful and memorable. Care has been placed to create programs that educate, build relationships, develop leadership skills, and enhance the power of teamwork, while placing care around social, emotional, and cultural awareness.

Classroom visit   Field trip


 Service cost   Fingerprint clearance  

Leadership Society of Arizona logo

LSA is comprised of researchers, educators, and consultants. Since 2013, we’ve been developing tools and processes to improve the delivery of educational services. We use an industry-proven professional development model to support students, parents, teachers, and professional organizations.

Classroom visit   Field trip   Mentoring


   Fingerprint clearance  

Musical Instrument Museum Logo

The MIM education department provides unique opportunities to extend student and teacher learning. We use the beautiful and unique collection of musical objects at MIM to create connections between the core subjects and the arts.

Field trip


 Service cost    

Phoenix Zoo Logo

Our instruction is focused on inquiry-based or student-focused learning. This means that we’re getting the students to discuss and ask questions with the goal that they are driving most of the learning and discovery.

Classroom visit   Field trip   Unit planning


 Service cost   Fingerprint clearance   Multilingual

Read Better Be Better Logo

Twice a week, RBBB Program Coaches run programming at partner schools, helping students master reading comprehension in three ways: improving concentration, encouraging an active enjoyment of reading, and helping develop a deeper understanding of what is being read. We support basic classroom instruction with additional comprehension strategies to improve proficiency and positively impact future academic success.

Mentoring   Tutoring


   Fingerprint clearance  

Scottsdale Arts Learning & Innovation logo

Participate in a workshop, take a museum tour, or invite us into your classroom. Scottsdale Arts Learning & Innovation offers a broad scope of programming for schools and educators ranging from matinee performances and museum field trips to teen programs, arts-integrated residencies, and wellness workshops. Many programs are free or discounted for educators and use Kennedy Center arts-integrated lessons and teaching artists to best support your curriculum.

Assembly   Classroom visit   Field trip   Guest judge   Unit planning


 Service cost   Fingerprint clearance   Multilingual

Seeds of Stewardship Logo

Each year the Arizona Trail Association's Seeds of Stewardship program connects with over 2,000 youth through partnerships with visionary teachers in communities near the Arizona Trail. These free, safe, educational, and meaningful outdoor experiences help empower youth to become the next generation of stewards of Arizona’s wild landscapes.

Assembly   Classroom visit   Field trip   Guest judge   Unit planning



ASU Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication

The staff at The Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication works hard to promote academic development and inclusiveness in any learning environment by promoting workshops about various topics close to media and communication. This is done in classrooms throughout the state through Cronkite in the Classroom.

Classroom visit   Field trip   Unit planning


   Fingerprint clearance   Multilingual

An example search

Invite a member of your community to support your next math unit or mock trial.

Suggested keyword search: search for terms such as carpentry, math activities, tutoring, law or mock trial.

Search results: follow the link to visit the organization's website and find out how to connect and request services.

Frequently asked questions

  • This is an open-access directory designed to support educators in exploring the rich Arizona landscape of community-based organizations and businesses that have teams of community educators trained and ready to provide youth-focused programming.
  • Community educators enrich learning environments by forging authentic relationships, sharing expertise and expanding networks.
  • Partnering with community organizations ready for authentic, sustainable partnerships can deepen learning opportunities for students.


Arizona has additional databases to connect educators with individuals who are ready to support students.

  • Educator Pro Connect: Connects educators statewide to industry professionals. Office of the Maricopa County School Superintendent Steve Watson.
  • CommunityShare: Is a human library that connects PK-12 educators with community partners.
  • Community educator resources: Find additional resources to connect with industry experts who are ready to support your learning environment.

  • Follow the link provided on the organization profile to connect directly to the organization to coordinate planning or request more information.
  • If a link is broken or needs to be updated, please contact


  • Being included in the directory does not signify affiliation with Arizona State University or its affiliated partners.


This directory only features organizations that:

  • Work with students and/or educators in Arizona classrooms
  • Have community educators who support teachers, students and administrators in schools
  • Have completed the directory application
  • Agree with the directory quality standards
  • Are open to sharing and assessing best practices

This directory has adopted quality standards established by the National Partnership for Student Success (NPSS), a highly regarded national association, known as Voluntary Quality Standards. The Voluntary Quality Standards, by NPSS, are a framework for quality programming based on recommendations from professionals and educators to identify practices that create a safe, supportive and effective learning environment for students.

To understand how organization’s practices align with or strive towards these standards, organizations are asked to rate the degree to which their organization practice’s align (from ‘strongly agree’ to ‘strongly disagree’) with standards in five core areas, including the recruitment of community educators, training, safety, youth development, and diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging.


No. If an organization wishes to highlight their alignment to these standards in the future we may visit this opportunity.