Kindness Yarn Hearts

 11:00 AM
 3 hours
Farmer Education Building

1050 S Forest Mall
Tempe, AZ 85281
United States

Contact us:

Natoya Brown

All times listed are in Arizona time (MST).
What time is it in Arizona?

Valentine's Day is nearly here, Sun Devils! Swing by the Zen Den (Farmer 108) to join us for Kindness Yarn Hearts, where you can reflect on who and what you love most.

In this hands-on activity, students will create a heart made of yarn and fill it with written names or things they appreciate. This exercise encourages mindfulness and gratitude, which are directly linked to overall well-being and stress relief.

Leave with a personalized gratitude heart as a reminder of the positive aspects of your life. Supplies will be provided.

Learn more about wellness coaching available to MLFC students.