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Institute of Education Sciences (IES): National Center for Education Research (NCER): Research Education Research and Development Center Program, Assistance Listing Number (ALN) 84.305C


The Department of Education is issuing a notice inviting applications for new awards for fiscal year (FY) 2025 for the Education Research and Development Center Program

Purpose of Program: Through the Education Research and Development Center Program, the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) funds Research and Development (R&D) centers to conduct a focused program of research that will contribute to solving a specific education problem and generate new knowledge in their topic area; provide national leadership, research training, capacity building, and outreach within their topic area; and conduct relatively rapid research and scholarship on supplemental questions that emerge within their topic area.

Competition in This Notice: The IES National Center for Education Research (NCER) is announcing one competition: The Education Research and Development Center Program (ALN 84.305C).Under this competition, NCER will consider only applications that address one of the following topics: 

• Improving Gifted Education. 

• Using Generative Artificial Intelligence to Improve Instruction in Postsecondary Education.

Other information:

Estimated Number of Awards: IES intends to fund one award under the Improving Gifted Education topic and one award under the Using Generative Artificial Intelligence to Improve Instruction in Postsecondary Education topic. 

IES may consider making additional awards to high-quality applications under the Using Generative Artificial Intelligence to Improve Instruction in Postsecondary Education topic that remain unfunded after one award is made should resources permit. However, the number of awards made under each topic will depend on the quality of the applications received for that topic and the availability of funds. 

Note: The Department is not bound by any estimates in this notice. Project Period: The maximum project period is as follows:
• 5 years for Improving Gifted Education.
• 5 years for Using Generative Artificial Intelligence to Improve Instruction in Postsecondary Education.

Award Information

Types of Awards: Cooperative agreements.
Fiscal Information: Although Congress has not yet enacted an appropriation for FY 2025, IES is inviting applications for this competition now so that applicants can have adequate time to prepare their applications. The actual level of funding, if any, depends on final congressional action. 

Although Congress has not yet enacted an appropriation for FY 2025, IES is inviting applications for this competition now so that applicants can have adequate time to prepare their applications should Congress appropriate funds for this program. The Using Generative Artificial Intelligence to Improve Instruction in Directorate.

Subgrantees: Under 34 CFR 75.708(b) and (c) a grantee under this competition may award subgrants—to directly carry out project activities described in its application—to the following types of entities: nonprofit and for-profit organizations and public and private agencies and institutions of higher education. The grantee may award subgrants to entities it has identified in an approved application

Funding amount: Varies; see Other Information
Last Updated:
Solicitation link:
Solicitation number: ED-GRANTS-122024-001
Sponsor: DOEd: Department of Education: IES
Sponsor deadline:
RODA ID: 2608

February 2025 NEA Grants for Arts Program (GAP1)



Grants for Arts Projects (GAP) provides project-based funding for organizations in the areas of Artist Communities, Arts Education, Dance, Design, Film & Media Arts, Folk & Traditional Arts, Literary Arts, Local Arts Agencies, Museums, Music, Musical Theater, Opera, Presenting & Multidisciplinary Works, Theater, and Visual Arts. 

Funded activities may include public engagement with the arts and arts education, the integration of the arts with strategies promoting the health and well-being of people and communities, and the improvement of overall capacity and capabilities within the arts sector. 

Solicitation limitations:

Applicants are only allowed to submit one proposal per organization.  If more than one proposal is submitted from an organization, all proposals from that institution will be considered ineligible for funding. 

Other information:

We are particularly interested in arts projects that: 

• Enable artists, arts workers, and arts organizations to thrive
• Celebrate the nation’s history, civic life, and community connection
• Support the health and well-being of people and communities through the arts
• Originate from or are in collaboration with the following constituencies encouraged by White House Executive Orders

Period of Performance

Grants awarded in this program generally may cover a period of performance of up to two years. The two-year period is intended to allow an applicant time to plan, execute, and close out its project, not to repeat a one-year project for a second year.

Awards require a 1:1 cost share/match.

Event type: Limited Submission
Funding amount: $10,000 - $100,000
Internal deadline:
Solicitation link:
Solicitation number: 2025NEA01GAP1
Sponsor: National Endowment for the Arts (NEA)
Sponsor deadline:
RODA ID: 2609

U.S. Mission to Armenia: U.S. Embassy Yerevan PDS Annual Program Statement


Limited Submission - pending faculty interest

The U.S. Embassy invites proposals from qualified individuals and organizations for programs that strengthen cultural ties between the United States and Armenia, including cultural and exchange programs that highlight shared values and promote bilateral cooperation. All programs must include an American cultural element, or connection with American expert(s), organization(s) or institution(s) in a specific field that will promote increased understanding of

U.S. policy, culture, and perspectives. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis and awarded pending funding availability. This Annual Program Statement outlines our funding priorities, strategic themes, and procedures for submitting proposals. Please follow all instructions below carefully.

Priority Program Areas

  • Championing Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities and Vulnerable Communities, by funding proposals that support social inclusion, strengthen inclusive education, accessibility, or build awareness and opportunities for persons with disabilities, or support inclusion and integration of displaced communities.

  • Strengthening U.S.-Armenia Cultural Ties, by funding proposals that promote U.S.-Armenia cultural exchange, including through music, literature, dance, arts, film, and sports; bring together U.S. and Armenian artists and other experts to collaborate, and support artistic and cultural heritage preservation projects that showcase Armenia’s archaeological, cultural, and natural treasures.

  • Strengthening Independent Media and Countering Disinformation, by funding proposals that cultivate an independent media environment, champion the rights of all, and help counter disinformation. 

Activities that are typically funded include, but are not limited to:

  • Bringing American experts, speakers, performers, or athletes to Armenia;
  • Exhibitions of works by Americans on priority program themes;
  • Arts, cultural and social inclusion programs, particularly those that support underserved communities and/or promote Armenia as a desired destination for tourism and investment

Solicitation limitations:

Applicants are only allowed to submit one proposal per organization.  If more than one proposal is submitted from an organization, all proposals from that institution will be considered ineligible for funding. 

Other information:

Program Performance Period: Proposed projects should be completed in12 months or less.   

The following types of programs are not eligible for funding:

  • Programs relating to partisan political activity;
  • Charitable or development activities 
  • Construction programs
  • Programs that support specific religious activities
  • Fund-raising campaigns 
  • Exclusively scientific research projects 
  • Lobbying for specific legislation or programs
  • Exchange programs with countries other than the United States and Cameroon
  • Academic research programs
  • Programs intended primarily for the growth or institutional development of the organization; or 
  • Programs that duplicate existing programs.

Substantial Involvement

If your award is issued as a cooperative agreement or an FAA with substantial involvement, the U.S. Embassy Yaounde Public Diplomacy Section (PDS) will outline the specific areas of substantial involvement for the project.

Submission Dates and Times
The U.S. Embassy Yerevan Public Diplomacy Section (PDS) will accept proposals on a rolling basis throughout the year and will review them at least twice annually, subject to the availability of funds, on or around the following dates:

  • Proposals received between October 1 and January 31 will be reviewed by March 31. Responses will be sent to applicants by May 31.
  • Proposals received between February 1 and June 1 will be reviewed by August 31. Responses will be sent to applicants by October 30.

Event type: Limited Submission,
Event type: Multiple Deadlines,
Event type: Rolling Deadline
Funding amount: $5,000 - $150,000
Last Updated:
Solicitation link:
Solicitation number: PDS-APS-FY25-02
Sponsor: US Department of State (USDOS)
Sponsor deadline:
RODA ID: 2605

Mission to Burkina Faso- U.S. Embassy Burkina Faso PDS Annual Program Statement


Limited Submission - pending faculty interest

The U.S. Embassy in BURKINA FASO of the U.S. Department of State is pleased to announce that funding is available through its Public Diplomacy Section (PDS) Program. This is an Annual Program Statement, outlining our funding priorities, the strategic themes we focus on, and the procedures for submitting requests for funding. Please carefully follow all instructions below.

Objective of Small Grants: 

PDS Burkina Faso invites proposals for programs that strengthen cultural ties between the U.S. and BURKINA FASO through cultural and exchange programming that highlights shared values and promotes bilateral cooperation. All programs must include an American cultural element, or connection with American expert/s, organization/s, or institution/s in a specific field that will promote increased understanding of U.S. policy and perspectives. 

Examples of PDS Small Grants Program programs include, but are not limited to: 

• Academic and professional lectures, seminars and speaker programs; 

• Artistic and cultural workshops, joint performances and exhibitions; 

• Cultural heritage conservation and preservation programs; 

• Professional and academic exchanges and programs; 

• Civic education projects that promote democratic processes and human rights; 

• New media concepts projects aimed at reaching wider audiences; 

• Youth community service projects that promote democratic processes and encourage volunteerism; 

• Development of initiatives aimed at maintaining contacts with alumni of U.S. exchange programs. 

Priority Region: All regions in Burkina Faso

Participants and Audiences: Participants and target audiences can come from any of all the regions of Burkina Faso

Solicitation limitations:

Applicants are only allowed to submit one proposal per organization.  If more than one proposal is submitted from an organization, all proposals from that institution will be considered ineligible for funding. 

Other information:

Program Performance Period: Proposed projects should be completed in 12 months or less. Subject to availability of funds, satisfactory progress of the program, and a determination that continued funding would be in the best interest of the U.S. Department of State. This notice is subject to availability of funding.

Substantial InvolvementIf your award is issued as a cooperative agreement or an FAA with substantial involvement, the U.S. Embassy Yaounde Public Diplomacy Section (PDS) will outline the specific areas of substantial involvement for the project.

Cost Sharing or Matching: Cost sharing is encouraged, but not required. Applicants who plan to include a cost share component to their proposal should clearly outline it in their budget breakdown and budget narrative. The Cost share will not be considered as a criteria in the proposal’s review.

Event type: Limited Submission
Funding amount: $1,000 - $25,000
Last Updated:
Solicitation link:
Solicitation number: PAS-BF-FY25-APS-001
Sponsor: US Department of State (USDOS)
Sponsor deadline:
RODA ID: 2607

U.S. Mission to Cameroon: U.S. Embassy Yaounde PDS Annual Program Statement


Limited Submission - pending faculty interest

The U.S. Embassy Yaounde Public Diplomacy Section (PDS) announces the availability of funding through its Public Diplomacy Small Grants Program. This is an annual request for Statements of Interest (SOI), outlining funding priorities, strategic themes, and procedures for submitting requests for funding. Please carefully read and follow all instructions below.

The submission of a SOI is the first step in a two-part process. Applicants must first submit a SOI, which is a concise, 3-page concept note designed to clearly communicate a program idea and its objectives before the development of a full proposal application. The purpose of the SOI process is to allow applicants the opportunity to submit program ideas for evaluation prior to undertaking the development of full proposal. Upon review of eligible SOIs, PDS will invite selected applicants to expand their ideas into full proposal applications.

Examples of PDS Small Grants Programs include, but are not limited to:

  • U.S. experts conducting lectures, seminars, or speaking tours with Cameroonian audiences
  • Artistic and cultural workshops, joint performances, and exhibitions
  • Cultural heritage conservation and preservation programs
  • Professional and academic exchanges and programs
  • Libraries, community centers, or other institutions that are interested in becoming an American Space
  • Programs developed by an alumnus/a of a U.S. sponsored or supported educational or professional exchange program
  • Projects to promote English language teaching skills or widen access to books and other sources of information about the United States

Priority Program Areas

Governance: Projects promoting democratic principles, improved and inclusive governance, transparency, human rights, religious freedom, empowerment of marginalized groups, citizen engagement, including in elections, civic education, and civil society.

Economic growth: Projects promoting economic prosperity, entrepreneurship, bilateral trade and investment, countering corruption

Security: Projects promoting peace and security, rule of law, alternatives to violence in resolving conflict, tolerance, preventing radicalization to violence, improving mutual understanding between groups, community policing

Sustainability and Climate Change: Projects promoting environmental sustainability and addressing climate change

Journalism: Projects promoting a professional and independent media, role of informed citizens in a democracy, media literacy, ethical and investigative journalism

Participants and Audiences

All projects should focus on engaging Cameroonians in Cameroon. Priority audience and program participants are:

Youth, especially emerging leaders

Civil society


Opinion leaders, including cultural, academic, and media figures

Residents of Cameroon outside Yaounde

Solicitation limitations:

Applicants are only allowed to submit one proposal per organization.  If more than one proposal is submitted from an organization, all proposals from that institution will be considered ineligible for funding. 

Other information:

Program Performance Period: Proposed projects should be completed in 24 months or less.   

The following types of programs are not eligible for funding:

  • Scholarships for study in the United States or to fund conference attendance or study tours to the United States
  • Projects that are inherently political in nature or that contain the appearance of partisanship
  • Charitable or development activities without a U.S. connection as described in the Purpose section
  • Construction programs
  • Programs that support specific religious activities
  • Fund-raising campaigns
  • Exclusively scientific research projects
  • Exchange programs with countries other than the United States and Cameroon
  • Academic research programs
  • Programs intended primarily for the growth or institutional development of the organization; or Programs that duplicate existing programs.

Substantial Involvement

If your award is issued as a cooperative agreement or an FAA with substantial involvement, the U.S. Embassy Yaounde Public Diplomacy Section (PDS) will outline the specific areas of substantial involvement for the project.

Event type: Limited Submission
Funding amount: $5,000-$25,000
Last Updated:
Solicitation link:
Solicitation number: EMB-YAOUNDE-APS-FY25-01
Sponsor: US Department of State (USDOS)
Sponsor deadline:
RODA ID: 2606

NPS: Bringing Youth Outdoors Together and Environmental Steward Program


The Bringing Youth Outdoors Together and Environmental Steward Program focus on youth development, recreation, service, social and environmental responsibility, and healthy living that emphasizes the value and significance of natural and cultural resources in nearby parks and communities. The program provides young people--particularly youth from underserved communities in urban, rural, military, and native settings -- with outdoor experiences and excursions to their local national park. Centered on recreation, conservation and service, the program provides the following: 

  • Unique recreational opportunities 
  • Learning experiences in nature and history 
  • Service learning through simple, memorable work projects 
  • Exposure to career field offered by the National Park Service 

The objective of this Agreement is to expand educational, service, and outdoor recreational opportunities for children, youth including active-duty military families' members, on public lands and waterways and reinforce the recreational mission of the NPS. 

Program Goals
We develop the next generation of stewards of our public and cultural lands working with partners. Our collaboration goals are: 

  • Connect young people to the outdoors through recreation, education, and volunteerism.
  • Create opportunities for local communities to increase connections to the outdoors in partnership with local NPS units, non-profit partners, educational organizations, and state, local and tribal governments.
  • Lay the groundwork for young adults to become the 21st-century stewards of our cultural, historical, scientific, and recreational legacies.
  • Provide opportunities for youth to connect with natural, cultural, historical, and recreational resources within their local communities and through the use of technology.
  • Exposure youth to job fields and leadership development opportunities via mentorship, volunteerism, internships, and employment within the NPS.

Types of programming opportunities offered should fit into four main focus areas for children and youth up to age 18 years old:

  • Recreation. To connect more children, youth, and families, including active military and veterans and their families, NPS will develop or enhance outdoor recreation partnerships in communities across the country. NPS will support new and enhanced opportunities for outdoor recreation by working with non-profit partners, educational organizations, and state, local and tribal governments.
  • Education. To increase outdoor educational opportunities, the NPS will partner with non-profit organizations, educational organizations, and state, local and tribal governments that have expertise in delivering such services.
  • Volunteerism. To increase volunteerism on public lands, NPS will partner and coordinate volunteer opportunities on its lands and waters with non-profit organizations and industry that have a track record of working with volunteers.
  • Career Exploration. The objective is to enhance awareness of diverse career fields within the National Park Service (NPS) and to provide teenagers aged 15 to 18 with exposure to potential pathways to these opportunities through summer employment and internship opportunities.

The NPS may choose to fund multiple awards to meet the goals and objectives of these efforts.

Other information:

This is a Master Cooperative Agreement; There are no firm award ceilings as that will be dependent upon how much money is authorized in the annual appropriations. That said, Task Agreements are typically $50K-$150K depending on the scope and complexity.

Master Cooperative Agreement – A legal instrument with a non-Federal entity in which more than one project is anticipated. This type of cooperative agreement includes a detailed description of all types of work that can be done under the agreement (see full announcement for more details).

Funding amount: Not Available (see Other Information)
Last Updated:
Solicitation link:
Solicitation number: P25AS00187
Sponsor: National Park Service (NPS)
Sponsor deadline:
RODA ID: 2604

U.S. Mission New Zealand APS


Multiple Deadlines

The EAP/Mission New Zealand Public Diplomacy Section of the U.S. Department of State is pleased to announce that funding is available through its Grants Program. This is an Annual Program Statement, outlining our funding priorities, the strategic themes we focus on, and the procedures for submitting requests for funding. Please carefully follow all instructions below. 
PDS New Zealand welcomes Statements of Interest from eligible parties from New Zealand, the Cook Islands, Niue, and Tokelau for programs up to 24 months in duration that focus on certain priority areas. Proposals should focus on enhancing existing relationships and creating new pathways for engagement between the United States and the Pacific Region. Refer to Section C of this Annual Program Statement for a list of priorities and guidance on what makes proposals successful. 
Preference will be given to ambitious proposals that include multiple components addressing a core priority over an extended period of time. 
Applications will be considered from not-for-profit organizations, individuals, public and private educational institutions, government entities, and Public International Organizations. 
All programs must include an American cultural element or connection with American expert/s, organization/s, or institutions/s in a specific field that will promote increased understanding of United States policy and perspectives.

Goals and Objectives
PDS New Zealand invites Statements of Interest for projects that address and advance the following Mission priorities in New Zealand, the Cook Islands, Niue, and Tokelau.
•    Connecting Creatives: Elevate the voices of emerging and established cultural leaders from indigenous communities in New Zealand, the Cook Islands, Niue, Tokelau, and the United States working in creative industries. Engage artists and experts to educate and share talent, expertise, culture, and democratic values. Enable creation of inclusive and collaborative professional and social networks and opportunities for artists and institutions that build lasting and meaningful connections.
•    Enhancing Economic Resilience through Diversification and Innovation: Create opportunities for partnerships between individuals and organizations in New Zealand, the Cook Islands, Niue, Tokelau, and the United States. in the field of critical and emerging technologies, creating opportunities for innovation, diversification, growth, and collaboration in the tech sector.
•    Leveraging the Full Potential of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) Education Opportunities: Expand STEM education focus and encourage the creation of more job opportunities in STEM fields within New Zealand, the Cook Islands, Niue, and Tokelau to increase pathways to future employment for New Zealanders to ensure economic prosperity and global competitiveness.
•    Conservation for Prosperity: Advance efforts to protect the unique biodiversity and ecology of New Zealand, the Cook Islands, Niue, and Tokelau, including sustainable ecotourism.
Priority Program Areas: 
1. Connecting Creatives: Elevate the voices of emerging and established cultural leaders from indigenous communities in New Zealand, the Cook Islands, Niue, Tokelau, and the United States working in creative industries. Engage artists and experts to educate and share talent, expertise, culture, and democratic values. Enable creation of inclusive and collaborative professional and social networks and opportunities for artists and institutions that build lasting and meaningful connections. 
2. Enhancing Economic Resilience through Diversification and Innovation: Create opportunities for partnerships between individuals and organizations in New Zealand, the Cook Islands, Niue, Tokelau, and the United States. in the field of critical and emerging technologies, creating opportunities for innovation, diversification, growth, and collaboration in the tech sector. 
3. Leveraging the Full Potential of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) Education Opportunities: Expand STEM education focus and encourage the creation of more job opportunities in STEM fields within New Zealand, the Cook Islands, Niue, and Tokelau to increase pathways to future employment for New Zealanders to ensure economic prosperity and global competitiveness. 
4. Conservation for Prosperity: Advance efforts to protect the unique biodiversity and ecology of New Zealand, the Cook Islands, Niue, and Tokelau, including sustainable ecotourism. 
Participants and Audiences: 
1. Connecting Creatives: Māori and Pacifica mid-career creatives and community leaders. 
2. Enhancing Economic Resilience through Diversification and Innovation: Māori business networks, institutions, female entrepreneurs, small businesses, start-ups, tech and innovation hubs, and governmental organizations. 
3. Leveraging the Full Potential of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) Education Opportunities: Government representatives, industry professionals in the fields of science, technology and engineering, educations institutions, and students and families from primary to tertiary education levels. 
4. Conservation for Prosperity: Individuals and organizations working in the conservation space, e.g. not-for-profit organizations, civil society, iwi, community groups and youth advocates. 

Other information:

Program Performance Period: Proposed projects should be completed in 24 months or less.


Event type: Multiple Deadlines
Funding amount: Up to $75,000
Last Updated:
Solicitation link:
Solicitation number: PDS-NEWZEALAND-2025-01
Sponsor: US Department of State (USDOS)
Sponsor deadline:
RODA ID: 2603

Promoting Economic Prosperity and Human Development Program


Limited Submission - Pending Faculty Interest

U.S. Embassy Malabo of the U.S. Department of State is pleased to announce that funding is available through its Promoting Economic Prosperity and Human Development Program.  

Promoting Economic Prosperity and Human Development is a small grants program that seeks to promote economic diversification, capacity-building, entrepreneurship, and professional development through inclusive economic growth through working with individuals, non-profits, social enterprises, and other eligible applicants based in Equatorial Guinea and the United States.  All programming must highlight shared values and promote bilateral cooperation and include a U.S. cultural element, or connection with U.S. expert(s), organization(s), or institution(s) in a specific field that will promote increased understanding of U.S. policy and perspectives.

Goals and Objectives
All programming must highlight shared values and promote bilateral cooperation and include a U.S. cultural element or connection with U.S. expert(s), organization(s), or institution(s) in a specific field that will promote increased understanding of U.S. policy and perspectives. 

Expected programming components, but are not limited to:

  • Conduct data collection activities; applicants are expected to measure indicators and milestones (i.e. surveys, exams)
  • Ensure inclusive recruitment of participants.
  • Establish clear linkages to the communities that applicants intend to work with through prior work or partnerships before starting the initiative.
  • Assess the feasibility of the project prior to submitting the application.   

Program goals and objectives, but are not limited to: 

  • Empowered civil society promoting inclusive economic growth, human rights, and biodiversity protection;
  • Increased number of undereducated and underemployed youth being able to harness and monetize their talents through skill-building activities;
  • Increased number of youth learning English;
  • Increased number of entrepreneurs with access to resources, skills, and networks to build their small business and, ultimately, diversify the economy;
  • Increased linkages between U.S. and Equatoguinean educational and business institutions;
  • Increased number of youths with technological skills to enter the global economy.
  • Increased number of journalists with media skills to combat mis-and disinformation.     

Priority Program Areas: 

  • Promoting inclusive economic growth by increasing social inclusion and promoting tolerance for minorities and vulnerable groups. 
  • Promoting English language (i.e. promoting clubs, forums, social media, education, and arts)
  • Strengthening the media (i.e. increasing media professionalism, access to diverse sources of news, and developing savvy consumption of news)
  • Encouraging entrepreneurship and economic growth in under-served areas to diversify the economy (i.e. training in start-ups, skill development for people in informal sector, promoting the entrepreneurial spirit, supporting tourism, art, music, and culture development) 
  • Promoting economic diversification through environmental sustainability (i.e. education, training, and skills for individuals working in biodiversity conservation, ecotourism, and agriculture). 
  • Promoting innovation and technology to build capacity. 

Participants and Audiences:

•    Youth and young professionals learning English;  
•    Youth and young professionals who are artistic entrepreneurs; 
•    Media professionals;
•    Entrepreneurs;  
•    Civil society; 
•    Individuals working in biodiversity conservation, agriculture, and ecotourism;
•    Youth, young professionals, educators, leaders, private-sector, public sector, entrepreneurs, influencers, rural communities, local government officials, and new audiences we haven’t yet captured.  


Solicitation limitations:

Applicants are only allowed to submit one proposal per organization.  If more than one proposal is submitted from an organization, all proposals from that institution will be considered ineligible for funding. 

Funding Restrictions for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) None of the funds awarded resulting from this Notice of Funding Opportunity may be made available for subawards, direct financial support, or otherwise used to provide any payment or transfer to United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA).

None of the funds awarded under this grant may be made available to encourage, mobilize, publicize, or manage mass-migration caravans towards the United States southwest border.  Funds may not be made available for legal counseling on the United States asylum process; and/or for referrals to legal or representation in the United States.

Funds may only be used for cash cards for use in the country in which they are provided or to facilitate assisted voluntary returns and other purposes that do not encourage, mobilize, publicize, or manage mass migration caravans towards the United States southwest border.  The provision of humanitarian assistance is permitted.

Other information:

Program Performance Period: Proposed projects should be completed in 18 months or less.  

The Department of State will entertain applications for continuation grants funded under these awards beyond the initial budget period on a non-competitive basis subject to 3 availability of funds, satisfactory progress of the program, and a determination that continued funding would be in the best interest of the U.S. Department of State.

Examples of PDS Small Grants Program programs include, but are not limited to:
•    Academic and professional lectures, seminars and speaker programs;
•    Artistic and cultural workshops, joint performances and exhibitions;
•    Professional and academic exchanges and programs;
•    Professional development and capacity-building programs

Event type: Limited Submission
Funding amount: $5,000 - $25,000
Last Updated:
Solicitation link:
Solicitation number: 19.040 -- Public Diplomacy Programs
Sponsor: US Department of State (USDOS)
Sponsor deadline:
RODA ID: 2602

Dr. Scholl Foundation Grant


Limited Submission - Pending Faculty Interest

The Dr. Scholl Foundation is dedicated to providing financial assistance to organizations committed to improving our world. Solutions to the problems of today’s world still lie in the values of innovation, practicality, hard work, and compassion. LOIs are reviewed on a rolling basis with a five-business day turnaround.
Grants are made annually after an extensive review of the application by the staff and all the directors of the Dr. Scholl Foundation.
Applications for grants are considered in the following areas:
•    Education
•    Social Service
•    Healthcare
•    Civic and Cultural
•    Environmental

The categories above are not intended to limit the interest of the Foundation from considering other worthwhile projects. In general, the Foundation guidelines are broad to give us flexibility in providing grants.

Solicitation limitations:

Only one application will be accepted from an institution per grant year. 

Other information:

The application process contains two steps:

Step 1:  Applicants may submit a Letter of Inquiry (LOI) through the Dr. Scholl Foundation portal beginning October 1. LOIs are reviewed on a rolling basis with a five business day turnaround.

Step 2:  If an applicant’s LOI is approved, they will be invited to submit a grant application which is due in the Dr. Scholl Foundation portal by March 1 at 4:00 p.m. CST. Applicants are encouraged to submit their applications as soon as possible after an LOI is approved.

Event type: Limited Submission,
Event type: Rolling Deadline
Funding amount: $5,000 - $25,000
Solicitation link:
Sponsor: Dr. Scholl Foundation
Sponsor deadline:
RODA ID: 2601

2025 (February) APS Foundation Grants



The APS Foundation supports programs that enhance academic achievement in the areas of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). Since 1981, the Foundation has invested more than $44 million in projects throughout Arizona that help prepare students to compete in a 21st century economy.

A workforce proficient in STEM skills is critical to attracting and retaining high-quality businesses and industries to the state. The APS Foundation targets projects that help educators increase content knowledge in STEM subjects as well as the ability to transfer this knowledge effectively to students.

How we evaluate potential programs:
Organizations must be registered as a 501(c)(3) public charity in good financial and public standing. Programs should demonstrate their ability to improve educational outcomes, increase access and/or offer an innovative approach to learning.

All grantees will have specific reporting requirements and must submit a final evaluation before they can be considered for additional funding. The APS Foundation accepts grant requests during two cycles each year:

Spring: Applications due February 28
Fall: Applications due August 31

Solicitation limitations:

ASU may submit only one (1) application to the sponsoring organization.
Note: This opportunity and sponsor are managed by the ASU Foundation. Please email if you have any questions regarding eligibility, or the program.

Other information:

STEM Focused- program and projects that support Arizona’s youth and educators at the K-12 and college/university level.
•    Curriculum
•    Equipment
•    Scholarships
•    Stipends/salaries/consultants
•    Suppose
•    Transportation
•    Printing/publication costs

Event type: Limited Submission,
Event type: Multiple Deadlines
Funding amount: varies
Internal deadline:
Last Updated:
Solicitation link:
Sponsor: Arizona Public Services (APS)
Sponsor deadline:
RODA ID: 2552