student showing hand sign pitchfork in front of asu phoenix skyline

How to update your profile

Let’s walk you through how to update your profile in the directory

Every ASU employee has a profile that can be searched for in the ASU directory. Mary Lou Fulton College for Teaching and Learning Innovation faculty and staff also populate the MLFC directory, which is built on the same personal information and data that populates the ASU directory. The directory is used by ASU staff, prospective students, the media and others to find people and to find scholarly experts in particular areas. It’s important for all of us to have up-to-date, high quality profiles. That means professional photos, current CVs, and accurate areas of expertise.

Below, you’ll find tools to help you populate your ASU and MLFC profiles. Additionally, members of the MLFC marketing and communications team are available to assist you should you have any questions.

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Step-by-step instructions

There are two ways to access your profile.

Method #1: Accessing your profile through ASU Search

screenshot of ASU search
  1. Visit
    ASU search
  2. Select the gray button with the lock icon that reads “Edit my profile.”
  3. Once selected, you will either be prompted to log in or taken directly to your profile if you are already signed in.

Method #2: Accessing your profile through My ASU

screenshot of example profile myasu
  1. Visit
    My ASU
  2. Log in if you aren’t already.
  3. In the tabs below the My ASU header, select “Profile.”
  4. Select “View / Edit Profile” button
    My ASU

How to edit your profile

example of a profile screen
  1. Once you’ve arrived at your profile, there are two tabs: View and Edit. By default, you will be under “View,” so select “Edit” to arrive at your editing options.
  2. From here, you can change your profile picture by using your SunCard ID photo or upload your own.

    Please keep in mind the image needs to be at least 240 by 240 pixels, but no more than 800 by 800 pixels. If you need help formatting your image, schedule a support session.
  3. You can also add any relevant information here, such as your social media links, biography, industry experience, and expertise areas.

    We recommend filling in as much as you can to enhance your profile.

Still have questions?

Schedule a 15 minute support session with us and we can help.

Sara Barber

Sara Barber

Web Specialist

Book a support session
Angela Stephens

Angela Stephens

Front End Web Developer

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