From our journals: Educational policy of international migration, working-class scholars and more

From our journals: Educational policy of international migration, working-class scholars and more
June 07, 2021
Meghan Ensell

International migration and the right to education: challenges for facing inequalities in education systems policies

Guest edited by: Ana Lorena de Oliveira Bruel, Universidade Federal do Paraná; Isabelle Rigoni, Institut Nacional Supérieur de Formation et de Recherche pour l’Éducation des

Jeunes Handicapés et les Enseignements Adaptés; Maïtena Armagnague-Roucher, Université de Genève

Published in: Education Policy Analysis Archives, May 24, 2021

This new multilingual special issue includes articles from Brazil, Chile, France, Germany, Spain and Switzerland. 

According to the editors, there has been an upsurge in education literature regarding the debate on international migration policies and the defense of the right to education as a fundamental human right regardless of status, citizenship or the existence of official identity documents; a right guaranteed by the Universal Declaration of the Rights of the Child. International migration processes are multiple and heterogeneous. In the field of educational policy, researchers observe that international migrant students may go through different schooling processes, with very different reception and permanence policies, depending on the school, education network or country. 

Education and working class biographies. An essay review of Leaps of Faith: Stories from Working-Class Scholars

Reviewed by: Michael W. Apple, Beijing Normal University, China University of Wisconsin, Madison, United States

Published in: Education Review, May 26, 2021

Focused on the politics of voice, Apple explores this compilation of biographies from working-class scholars with a critical academic lens, as well as a personal one. 

Current Issues in Education, Volume 22,  Issue 2 , May 18, 2021 

Lead editor: Marina Basu, ASU’s Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College   

CIE published its second issue of 2021. The issue’s three articles provide rich insights into and a way forward for our educational systems, ranging from early childhood to doctoral education: 

Curriculum, Aesthetics and Social Justice: From the Common to the Exceptional

Bilingual Cognition and Growth Mindset: A Review of Cognitive Flexibility and Its Implications for Dual Language Education

Factors Associated with Online Doctoral Student Persistence: A Critical Integrative Review of the Literature

About our journals

MLFTC sponsors three innovative, open-access journals on education scholarship. EPAA is a peer-reviewed, international, multilingual and multidisciplinary journal designed for researchers, practitioners, policymakers and development analysts concerned with education policies. Education Review publishes reviews of books on education topics and Acquired Wisdom essays by esteemed educational researchers, and CIE is a peer-reviewed journal led by MLFTC graduate students. 

Contact Stephanie McBride-Schreiner to learn more about our journals.