In the news: Strengthening deeper and more personalized learning for all children

November 17, 2021
Meghan Ensell

The one-teacher, one-classroom model isn’t a sustainable method of education, Carole Basile, dean of ASU’s Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College tells Arizona Horizon. “We are going to need fundamental, systemic change.” And, she says, MLFTC’s Next Education Workforce team-based models are the solution to repair education. 

Brent Maddin, executive director of the Next Education Workforce initiative says, “No matter the amount of great preparation they’ve had, the job of being a classroom teacher is one of the most rewarding, but also very complicated.” With Next Education Workforce models, educators work together with their students, allowing for deeper and more personalized learning for all students, he says. 

Ariana Zindars, an MLFTC teacher candidate doing her residency in a third grade classroom, also shares her experience. Read the article and watch the video