Experts call for a change in education

February 10, 2022
Meghan Ensell

Over the last 10 years, U.S. teacher preparation programs have reported shrinking enrollment, according to CNN. The role and demands being placed on teachers have changed, in part due to the pandemic. Many educators are leaving teaching because of burnout or covid-related issues. Others are or simply not entering the profession due to all that is asked of a teacher. 

While some universities are suspending or closing their teacher preparation programs due to a decline in enrollment, ASU’s Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College has experienced an increase in enrollment in teacher prep programs since 2017. MLFTC Dean Carole Basile attributes this increase in enrollment to the college’s efforts to reshape the teacher workforce by replacing the traditional one-teacher, one-classroom model for a team-based model. 

MLFTC’s Next Education Workforce team is working with schools and other partners to provide all students with deeper and personalized learning by building teams of educators with distributed expertise, and empower educators by developing new opportunities for role-based specialization and advancement. 

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