U.S. Army Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Education Consortium (ASEC) Cooperative Agreement
Solicitation Title: U.S. Army Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Education Consortium (ASEC) Cooperative Agreement
Funding Amount: $52,000,000 up to $277,000,000 (see Other Information)
Sponsor Deadline: Friday, March 28, 2025
Solicitation Link: https://www.grants.gov/search-results-detail/358240
Solicitation Number: W911SR-25-R-ASEC
ASEC is a collaborative partnership between state governments, local governments, Indian tribes, Institutions of Higher Education (IHE), nonprofit organizations, for-profit organizations and other partners that aim to broaden STEM literacy and prepare the STEM workforce future for the Army, the Department of Defense (DoD), and for the Nation.
Aligned to the Federal STEM Strategic Plan[1]and the DoD STEM Strategic Plan,[2] ASEC will aim to inspire the next generation of scientists and engineers through activities that engage students and educators in meaningful STEM experiences; connect student and educator participants to the Army science and technology mission; empower parents and legal guardians of student participants to be better informed of the Army STEM opportunities; serve military-connected students; leverage the network of Consortium Members to broaden reach and impact; and to evolve approach based on data.
The Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army for Research and Technology (ODASA R&T) provides the strategic direction of Army STEM activities and sets department-wide policy in coordinating these programs across the Army. These efforts are currently comprised of several activities that span across the formal and informal learning environments in support of the Army STEM Strategic Goals:
- STEM Literate Citizenry: Broaden the pool of STEM talent in support of the Defense Industry Base
- Leverage Unique Army Assets: Attract, inspire, and engage the next generation of STEM talent capable of meeting our nation’s future workforce needs with world-class Army Science and Technology (S&T) professionals and facilities.
Sustainable Infrastructure: Develop and implement a cohesive, coordinated, and sustainable STEM education outreach infrastructure across the Army.
Additionally, the Army STEM portfolio intends to strategically invest in programs that encourage students to pursue STEM education and career opportunities and provide students with exposure to Army/DoD research and career opportunities. Education and outreach activities will support the future mission of the Army/DoD through sustainable partnerships, student engagement opportunities (including authentic STEM experiences), and mentorship. This effort is aligned to the DoD-wide strategic plan which is an overarching framework that is driven by the Federal priorities with a focus on developing education and outreach initiatives that are unique to the DoD’s mission, needs, and resources and required to build enduring advantage in human capital to defend our Nation.
There are nine Fundamental Elements under the ASEC Cooperative Agreement: (1) Consortium Management; (2) Data Management, Analysis and Reporting; (3) Strategic Communications and Marketing; (4) Ambassador Management; (5) Strategic Outreach Initiatives; (6) Gains in the Education of Math and Science (GEMS) Program; (7) eCYBERMISSION; (8) Internship/Fellowship Management; and (9) Junior Science and Humanities Symposium (JSHS). These Fundamental Elements are the essential components of the consortium effort that will support the Army STEM education and outreach goals. The nine (9) Fundamental Elements above are provided for Applicants to functionally organize the efforts the Recipient and Consortium Members will perform under ASEC.
Since the resulting award will be a cooperative agreement with substantial Government involvement, the Recipient will be in regular communication with the Government working collaboratively to administer and execute ASEC goals, as well as to identify new and emerging areas of interest and targeted areas of emphasis during performance under the cooperative agreement.
Solicitation Limitations:
The cooperative agreement will be awarded to a Lead Organization which meets the qualifications of a “non-federal entity,” defined in 2 CFR § 200.1 as means a State, local government, Indian Tribe, Institution of Higher Education (IHE), or nonprofit organization that carries out a Federal award as a recipient or subrecipient. Applicants are reminded that formation of a Consortium is a requirement in order to be responsive to this FOA, and the Consortium may be either already existing or newly formed. All Consortium Members are expected to have significant involvement and input into the overall ASEC effort.
Other Information:Funding Instrument Type: Cooperative Agreement
Award Information: The Consortium will be named the Army STEM Education Consortium (ASEC). The Department intends to award ONE (1) cooperative agreement (COA) award of up to $277M over a period of performance of (up to) ten-years. This cooperative agreement will consist of ONE (1) two-year base period of up to $52M, followed by up to FOUR (4) two-year option periods of $53M to $60M each, totaling up to ten years and up to $277M total. Optional renewal periods are subject to availability of funds based on annual budget appropriations.
Cost Share or Matching: Cost sharing or matching is not required to be responsive to this FOA; however, it is encouraged
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RODA ID: 2666