AERA2023 conference

2023 AERA Participation

The American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting is the world's largest gathering of education researchers and a showcase for groundbreaking, innovative studies. The 2023 Annual Meeting takes place April 13-16 in Chicago. It features more than 140 participants* representing Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College and the wider ASU community who are dedicated to advancing education research.

*list current through March, 2023

Name Title Role Presentation Session Session type ASU unit
Omar Albaloul PhD student, Learning, Literacies and Technologies Presenting author Varied Perspectives on the Mentoring Process in Physical Education Teacher Education Part 2 Research on Learning and Instruction in Physical Education SIG (#93) Invisible College Pre-conference mentoring MLFTC
Audrey Amrein-Beardsley Professor Presenting author Increasing Awareness While Interrogating Racial Implicit Bias: Findings and Implications for Creating Inclusive Educational Spaces Understanding Diversity, Resistance, and Change in Faculty and Staff Experiences Paper MLFTC
Audrey Amrein-Beardsley Professor Presenting author A Peer-Driven Technology Adoption Model: Using Communities of Practice to Influence Technology Adoption Change and Implementation of Innovative Practices Roundtable MLFTC
Audrey Amrein-Beardsley Professor Presenting author Promoting Data Literacy and Equity-Mindedness Among Community College Employees in Pursuit of Truth and Equity Higher Education: Creating New Paths for Data Use Roundtable MLFTC
Audrey Amrein-Beardsley Professor Discussant Promoting Data Literacy and Equity-Mindedness Among Community College Employees in Pursuit of Truth and Equity Enacting Accountability in Education: Consequences for Teaching Professionalism and Practice Symposium MLFTC
Audrey Amrein-Beardsley Professor Presenting author An Advising Intervention to Promote Transfer Success: An Appreciative Assessment Transitions and Trajectories: The Nexus of Moving in and out of Higher Education Paper MLFTC
Audrey Amrein-Beardsley Professor Chair An Advising Intervention to Promote Transfer Success: An Appreciative Assessment A Multinational e-Learning Partnership and Initiative: Increasing Student Learning by Building Infrastructure, Capacities and Competencies Symposium MLFTC
Audrey Amrein-Beardsley Professor Presenting author What Counts? Who Counts? A Humble Proposal for Improving Faculty Scholarly Assessment Research and Application in Faculty Teaching, Evaluation and Development Roundtable MLFTC
Audrey Amrein-Beardsley Professor Participant What Counts? Who Counts? A Humble Proposal for Improving Faculty Scholarly Assessment Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis Closed Editorial Board Meeting Governance MLFTC
Audrey Amrein-Beardsley Professor Presenting author Teaching Program Evaluation: How Theory and Practice Enhanced Student-Evaluator Competencies in an Education Graduate Program Improving Student Experiences Poster MLFTC
Audrey Amrein-Beardsley Professor Non-presenting author A Policy Analysis of States' Responses to Federal Testing Waivers During the Coronavirus Pandemic Infrastructure for Accountability Policy and Practice Paper MLFTC
Audrey Amrein-Beardsley Professor Non-presenting author "I Deserve to Be Here!" Centering First-Generation Students' Community Cultural Wealth in Elite College Experiences Diverse Postsecondary Student Learning and Experiences Paper MLFTC
Kate T. Anderson Associate professor Non-presenting author Teacher Beliefs About Multilingual Learners: How Language Ideologies Shape Teachers' Hypothetical Policy Making Challenging Erasure, Symbolic Violence and Assumptions of Race and Language Roundtable MLFTC
Leanna Archambault Professor Presenting author Pillars of Online Pedagogy: A Framework for Teaching Online Diverse Perspectives on Improving Online Learning Theory, Research and Practice Symposium MLFTC
Mayra S. Artiles Assistant professor Non-presenting author Evaluation and Assessment of the Relevance of the Qualifying Exams in Chemical Engineering Graduate Students Academic Writing Difficulties and Motivation Roundtable Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Mayra S. Artiles Assistant professor Presenting author Hispanic-Serving Institutions Ways of Funding and the Impact on Graduate Students' Time to Degree Doctoral Education and the Global South Roundtable Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Richard Lennon Audrain PhD student, Educational Policy and Evaluation Presenting author Examining Career and Technical Education Students' of Color Beliefs about the Education Profession Career and Technical Education SIG Paper Session: Career and Technical Education Student Persistence, Completion and Outcomes Paper MLFTC
Michelle Banawan Postdoctoral research scholar Presenting author Sourcing Strategy Use in Constructed Responses Within Multiple Document–Integrated Reading and Writing Tasks Leveraging Constructed Responses to Understand Text Comprehension Poster Department of Psychology
Michelle Banawan Postdoctoral research scholar Non-presenting author Computational Analyses of Constructed Responses Reveal Levels of Comprehension Leveraging Constructed Responses to Understand Text Comprehension Poster Department of Psychology
Tara Lynn Bartlett PhD student, Educational Policy and Evaluation Presenting author Alternatives to School Policing and Punitive Approaches: Programs and Practices to Promote a Safe Campus Frames and Drivers of Discipline and School Policing Reform Roundtable MLFTC
Tara Lynn Bartlett PhD student, Educational Policy and Evaluation Presenting author Inclusive Civic Education and School Democracy: Bounded Case Studies of School Participatory Budgeting Reimagining Pedagogies for Democratic Citizenship Paper MLFTC
Tara Lynn Bartlett PhD student, Educational Policy and Evaluation Presenting author Inclusive Civic Education and School Democracy: Bounded Case Studies of School Participatory Budgeting Reimagining Pedagogies for Democratic Citizenship Paper MLFTC
Tara Lynn Bartlett PhD student, Educational Policy and Evaluation Presenting author "I Deserve to Be Here!" Centering First-Generation Students' Community Cultural Wealth in Elite College Experiences Diverse Postsecondary Student Learning and Experiences Paper MLFTC
Nicole S, Begay PhD student, Learning, Literacies and Technologies Participant Indigenous Students and Ableism in Special Education Speaker MLFTC
Nicole S, Begay PhD student, Learning, Literacies and Technologies Presenting author Weaving Familial Stories: A Conceptual Special Education Framework of Decolonial Praxis Indigenous Presence: Decolonial Pathways in Indigenous Teaching and Teacher Education Paper MLFTC
Ronald A. Beghetto Professor Participant Journal Publications Committee and Journal Editors Governance MLFTC
Amber E. Benedict Assistant professor Presenting author Exploring How Touch Gesture Interactions Support Visuospatial Cognition in a Cryptology and Cybersecurity Curriculum Embodied Learning and Sports Poster MLFTC
Amber E. Benedict Assistant professor Presenting author Project Coordinate: Impact of Content-Focused Lesson Study on Teacher Knowledge, Collaboration and Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) Instruction Preparing Special Educators: Recruitment, Roles, Support, Knowledge and Development Paper MLFTC
David C. Berliner Regents Professor Emeritus Participant Journal Publications Committee and Journal Editors Speaker MLFTC
David C. Berliner Regents Professor Emeritus Participant Past Presidents Luncheon Governance MLFTC
David C. Berliner Regents Professor Emeritus Chair Papers From Members of the International Academy of Education Symposium MLFTC
Katie Bernstein Associate professor Presenting author Teacher Beliefs About Multilingual Learners: How Language Ideologies Shape Teachers' Hypothetical Policy Making Challenging Erasure, Symbolic Violence, and Assumptions of Race and Language Roundtable MLFTC
Katie Bernstein Associate professor Non-presenting author Does Professional Development in Drama-Based Instruction Influence Preschool Teachers' Developmental Knowledge, Teaching Self-Efficacy, and Beliefs About Drama? Methods, Histories and Outcomes in Drama/Theater Education Paper MLFTC
Geoffrey D. Borman Professor Non-presenting author Validating Socio-Emotional Constructs Measuring Mechanisms Related to Stereotype Threat for Early Adolescents Measurement Theory and Application 1 Poster MLFTC
Geoffrey D. Borman Professor Presenting author Scaling a Self-Affirmation Intervention During the Context of the Pandemic: Impacts Across Two Nationwide Cohorts Targeting Interventions to At-Risk Students in Schools Roundtable MLFTC
Geoffrey D. Borman Professor Non-presenting author Scaling Up a Brief Student Mindset Intervention: Lessons Learned During COVID Rigorous Research in the Time of COVID: Lessons for Rethinking Educational Research Symposium MLFTC
Geoffrey D. Borman Professor Non-presenting author Understanding the Social-Psychological Mechanisms of an Intervention to Ease the Transition to Middle School The Impact of Perceptions and Relationships in Schools Roundtable MLFTC
Geoffrey D. Borman Professor Participant Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis Closed Editorial Board Meeting Governance MLFTC
Geoffrey D. Borman Professor Participant Journal Publications Committee and Journal Editors Governance MLFTC
Ayesha Boyce Associate professor Participant Presidential Session: Systems for Equitable Educational Assessment Invited speaker MLFTC
Ayesha Boyce Associate professor Participant Editorial board meeting Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis Governance MLFTC
Bryan McKinley Jones Brayboy ASU Vice President; Presidents Professor Participant Critical Race Theory, Truth-Telling and "Consequential Education Research" Speaker School of Social Transformation
Lindsey A. Brown PhD student, Educational Policy and Evaluation Chair Beyond Evaluation as Usual: New Approaches for Assessing Educational Innovations Paper MLFTC
Lindsey A. Brown PhD student, Educational Policy and Evaluation Discussant Exploring Family Engagement and Support in Identity and Bilingualism Paper MLFTC
Lindsey A. Brown PhD student, Educational Policy and Evaluation Presenting author; discussant Does the Home Literacy Environment Matter? Reading Achievement of Immigrant and Dual Language Students in Canada Home Literacy Environment Matters Paper MLFTC
Lindsey A. Brown PhD student, Educational Policy and Evaluation Discussant Research in Reading and Literacy SIG Virtual Paper Session Paper MLFTC
Cory Alan Buckband PhD student, Educational Policy and Evaluation Presenting author Braiding Positionality: Toward a Collaborative Praxis of Living Multiple Identities Indigenous Identities, Positionalities and Solidarities in Education Paper MLFTC
Cory Alan Buckband PhD student, Educational Policy and Evaluation Presenting author GIS-Based Counterstories of Gentrification in Arizona's Language Immersion Schools Counter-Understandings: Gentrification, "Post-Truth" and the Reclamation of Space Roundtable MLFTC
Cory Alan Buckband PhD student, Educational Policy and Evaluation Presenting author Intersecting Pressures of Linguistic Motherwork Supporting Children in Bilingual Education During the COVID-19 Pandemic Language Perspectives Roundtable MLFTC
Cory Alan Buckband PhD student, Educational Policy and Evaluation Presenting author Critically Conscious Family Engagement in a Virtual Dual-Language Kindergarten Class During a Pandemic Case Studies of Critically Conscious Practice in Dual-Language Bilingual Education Schools, Classrooms and Communities Poster MLFTC
Ray R. Buss Professor Presenting author Intention to Teach With Technology: Influences of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK), Self-Efficacy and Opportunities to Practice Using Technology Integrating Computer Science and Technological, Pedagogical and Content Knowledge in Teaching and Learning Paper MLFTC
David L. Carlson Professor Chair Writing and the Articulation of Qualitative Research Symposium MLFTC
David L. Carlson Professor Discussant Resisting the Drive Toward Pedagogical Mastery: Challenging Relations of Domination in the Curriculum of Teacher Education Symposium MLFTC
David L. Carlson Professor Chair Sounds of Silences Still Breaking: A Celebration of Janet Louise Miller's Life and Her Contributions to the Field of Curriculum Studies Symposium MLFTC
Jami Carmichael PhD student, Learning, Literacies and Technologies Presenting author The Role of State Standards Committees in Challenging or Maintaining Color-Evasive Social Studies Racecraft and Racial Realism in Social Studies Education Roundtable MLFTC
Juan F. Carrillo Associate professor Presenting author Teacher Activism in "Terrible Cities": The Cases of Phoenix and Milwaukee Teacher Activism and Testimonios: Transformative Journeys Toward Equity Roundtable MLFTC
Carlos R. Casanova Assistant professor Presenting author Social Protest as a Liberating Pedagogy of Praxis Activism, Pride and Resistance March On Roundtable MLFTC
Carlos R. Casanova Assistant professor Presenting author Youth Participatory Action Research and Healing: Reflections From YPAR Projects Through the Lens of the Healing Ethno and Racial Trauma Framework Sanctuaries of Survivance: Healing-Centered Engagement Within Youth Participatory Action Research Symposium MLFTC
Evandra Catherine Assistant professor Presenting author Provocation 4: Culturally Affirming Standards, Assessments and Curriculum Transforming Early-Years Policy in the United States Centering Equity and Inclusion: Provocations and a Call to Action Symposium MLFTC
Claudia G. Cervantes-Soon Associate professor Presenting author Borderland's Biliteracies Framework: A Critical Literacies Framework of Bilinguals of Color Borderlands Biliteracies: Centering Education on the Realities of Transfronterizx Communities Roundtable MLFTC
Claudia G. Cervantes-Soon Associate professor Discussant Gentrification and Dual-Language Bilingual Education: A Texas Two-Way Bilingual Education School Across Seven Years Symposium MLFTC
Claudia G. Cervantes-Soon Associate professor Presenting author Community Enactment of Dual-Language Education in the U.S. Midwest: How Does Context Matter? Vice-Presidential Session: St. Louis at the Crossroads of Race, Empire and Place in Urban Education Reform in the United States Symposium MLFTC
Ketevan Chachkhiani PhD student, Educational Policy and Evaluation Presenting author Benefits and Risks of Teacher Autonomy: A Critical Review of Literature Analyzing the Impact of Teacher Education Policy Paper MLFTC
Tipsuda Chaomuangkhong PhD student, Learning, Literacies and Technologies Presenting author A Heartful Autoethnography of an Asianized Mother Scholar's Traumatic Experiences During COVID-19 and Using Expressive Writing as Therapeutic Tool Creative Narrative Expressions During COVID-19 Paper MLFTC
Tipsuda Chaomuangkhong PhD student, Learning, Literacies and Technologies Chair Necessary Visibility: Teachers' Critical Language Awareness and Resistance to Dominance Roundtable MLFTC
Ying-Chih Chen Associate professor Presenting author Exploring Science Teachers' Perceptions and Management of Students' Desirable Uncertainty Analyzing Youths' and Teachers' Science Practices as a Vital Part of Learning and Instruction Paper MLFTC
Ying-Chih Chen Associate professor Non-presenting author Problems of Problem-Based Learning: Exploring Meta-Agency in Problem-Based Cybersecurity Learning in College Education Postsecondary Students in Computing and Engineering Education Roundtable MLFTC
Ying-Chih Chen Associate professor Non-presenting author Theoretical Framework for Understanding Student Experiences of Productive Struggle: Types, Sources and Desirability of Uncertainties Supporting Students Through Learning Sciences Research Paper MLFTC
Ying-Chih Chen Associate professor Non-presenting author Development and Validation of the Uncertainty Management in Problem-Based Learning Scale in Postsecondary STEM Education The Role of Emotion and Gesture in Science Learning Environments Paper MLFTC
Katerina Christhilf Graduate student Presenting author Patterns of Strategy Use When Understanding Scientific Texts Leveraging Constructed Responses to Understand Text Comprehension Poster Department of Psychology
Katerina Christhilf Graduate student Non-presenting author Identifying How Comprehension Strategy Use Is Affected by Instructional Prompts, Education Levels and Text Domain Leveraging Constructed Responses to Understand Text Comprehension Poster Department of Psychology
Katerina Christhilf Graduate student Non-presenting author Computational Analyses of Constructed Responses Reveal Levels of Comprehension Leveraging Constructed Responses to Understand Text Comprehension Poster Department of Psychology
Valencia Clement PhD ('22), Educational Policy and Evaluation Presenting author The Bind of Unilateral Power Dynamics and Youth Voice in School Politics The Politics of Student Voice: How Students Interrogate Policy Discourses, Processes and Practices Symposium MLFTC
Valencia Clement PhD ('22), Educational Policy and Evaluation Presenting author Intersecting Pressures of Linguistic Motherwork Supporting Children in Bilingual Education During the COVID-19 Pandemic Language Perspectives Roundtable MLFTC
Amber C. Coleman Postdoctoral scholar Presenting author Archiving Black Women Art Educators' Narratives: A Qualitative and Arts-Based Study Arts Education and Imagination: Intersectional Narratives of Black Women Educators Paper School of Art
Brooke Coley Assistant professor; affiliate faculty Presenting author Between Two Worlds: Exploring Black Women's Marginalized Experiences in Engineering Doctoral Programs Living and Learning at the Margins: Undocumented, Immigrant and Students of Color Navigating Postsecondary Institutions Roundtable Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Brooke Coley Assistant professor; affiliate faculty Presenting author Cultural (In)Congruence: How Black Women Navigate Individual, Academic and Societal Dimensions of Engineering Navigating Gaps, Fractures and Incongruencies Across Difference Roundtable Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Clarin Collins Director, Scholarly Initiatives Presenting author Teaching Program Evaluation: How Theory and Practice Enhanced Student-Evaluator Competencies in an Education Graduate Program Improving Student Experiences Poster MLFTC
Corinne Corte Director, Success by Design Presenting author Increasing Awareness While Interrogating Racial Implicit Bias: Findings and Implications for Creating Inclusive Educational Spaces Understanding Diversity, Resistance and Change in Faculty and Staff Experiences Paper University College
Ashley Coughlin PhD student, Educational Policy and Evaluation Presenting author Intersecting Pressures of Linguistic Motherwork Supporting Children in Bilingual Education During the COVID-19 Pandemic Language Perspectives Roundtable MLFTC
Ashley Coughlin PhD student, Educational Policy and Evaluation Presenting author Community in Conversation: Family, School and Community Partnerships Through Informal STEM Education Supporting Academic and School Success Through Family, School, Community Partnerships Poster MLFTC
Ashley Coughlin Ashley Coughlin Chair Teacher and Family Perspectives in Language Policies and Language Instruction Paper MLFTC
Kelly Deits Cutler Assistant professor Chair Children's Literature as a Form of Resistance to Racial Oppression Roundtable MLFTC
Kelly Deits Cutler Assistant professor Presenting author Disrupting the Educational Racial Contract of Islamophobia: Racialized Curricular Expectations of Muslims in Children's Literature Children's Literature as a Form of Resistance to Racial Oppression Roundtable MLFTC
Marisol Juarez Diaz Senior research analyst Presenting author Alternatives to School Policing and Punitive Approaches: Programs and Practices to Promote a Safe Campus Frames and Drivers of Discipline and School Policing Reform Roundtable Southwest Interdisciplinary Research Center
Sherman Dorn Professor Participant Editorial Board Meeting Review of Educational Research Governance MLFTC
Antonio Duran Assistant professor Discussant Envisioning Futures for Queer and Trans* Latina/o/x Students in Education Symposium MLFTC
Antonio Duran Assistant professor Chair, presenting author Queer Joy as an Affective Incitement to Queer and Trans Studies in Education Bridging the Rainbow Gap: Exploring Tensions and Possibilities in Queer Studies in K–12 and Higher Education Symposium MLFTC
Paul Espinoza Professor Emeritus Non-presenting author Associations Between Teacher and Student Mathematics, Science and Literacy Anxiety in Fourth Grade Identifying, Understanding and Addressing Elementary Students' Negative STEM Emotions and Beliefs Symposium School of Transborder Studies
Kathleen Marie Farrand Associate professor Presenting author Collaborative Partnerships to Promote School-Related Gender-Based Violence Prevention Instruction in Uganda Caribbean and African Studies in Education SIG Virtual Poster Session Poster MLFTC
Carla M. Firetto Assistant professor Presenting author Promoting Collaborative Study Strategy Use With Biology Undergraduate Students Cooperative Learning: Theory, Research and Practice SIG Roundtable Roundtable MLFTC
Gustavo E. Fischman Professor Presenting author What Counts? Who Counts? A Humble Proposal for Improving Faculty Scholarly Assessment Research and Application in Faculty Teaching, Evaluation and Development Roundtable MLFTC
Gustavo E. Fischman Professor Participant Professional Development and Training Committee Governance MLFTC
Gustavo E. Fischman Professor Presenting author Who Needs Global Citizenship Education? Papers From Members of the International Academy of Education Symposium MLFTC
Teresa S. Foulger Associate professor Non-presenting author Intention to Teach With Technology: Influences of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge, Self-Efficacy and Opportunities to Practice Using Technology Integrating Computer Science and Technological, Pedagogical and Content Knowledge in Teaching and Learning Paper MLFTC
David R. Garcia Associate professor Participant Research Use SIG Business Meeting Business MLFTC
David R. Garcia Associate professor Presenting author How Little We Know: A Review of the Research Utilization Literature in Education Policy Creation Advancing Our Collective Understanding of Research Use Paper MLFTC
David R. Garcia Associate professor Presenting author Op-Ed #6. A Voucher by Any Other Name: Arizona's Empowerment Scholarship Accounts The School Voucher Illusion: Exposing the Pretense of Equity Symposium MLFTC
James Paul Gee Professor Emeritus Discussant Gaming and Literacies: Implications for Equitable Futures Symposium MLFTC
James Paul Gee Professor Emeritus Participant Multilingual Perspectives on Translanguaging Symposium MLFTC
James Paul Gee Professor Emeritus Presenting author "Experience Coding" and Linguistic Variation Multilingual Perspectives on Translanguaging Symposium MLFTC
Gene V. Glass Regents Professor Emeritus Participant AERA Fellows Breakfast and Induction Ceremony Speaker MLFTC
Gene V. Glass Regents Professor Emeritus Participant Past Presidents Luncheon Governance MLFTC
Steve Graham Regents Professor Presenting author Special and General Education Teachers' Beliefs About Writing and Writing Instruction Serving All Our Students: Inclusive Education Paper MLFTC
Steve Graham Regents Professor Presenting author Teaching Chinese Characters to First and Second Graders During the First COVID-19 School Closure in China: An Observational Study Literacy Poster Session 1 Poster MLFTC
Meseret F. Hailu Assistant professor Presenting author STEM Aspirations Among Burundian Refugee Families: A Qualitative Analysis of Gender, Race and Ethnic Heritage (Un)Masking Intersectional Experiences and Concerns in K–12 STEM Education Paper MLFTC
Meseret F. Hailu Assistant professor Discussant Black Women on College Campuses Paper MLFTC
Meseret F. Hailu Assistant professor Discussant Identity in STEM: Managing Space, Place and Pathways Paper MLFTC
Meseret F. Hailu Assistant professor Presenting author Cultural (In)Congruence: How Black Women Navigate Individual, Academic and Societal Dimensions of Engineering Navigating Gaps, Fractures and Incongruencies Across Difference Roundtable MLFTC
Lauren McArthur Harris Associate professor Presenting author The Role of State Standards Committees in Challenging or Maintaining Color-Evasive Social Studies Racecraft and Racial Realism in Social Studies Education Roundtable MLFTC
Dijiang Huang Affiliate faculty Non-presenting author Problems of Problem-Based Learning: Exploring Meta-Agency in Problem-Based Cybersecurity Learning in College Education Postsecondary Students in Computing and Engineering Education School of Computing and Augmented Intelligence School of Computing and Augmented Intelligence
Dijiang Huang Affiliate faculty Non-presenting author Development and Validation of the Uncertainty Management in Problem-Based Learning Scale in Postsecondary STEM Education The Role of Emotion and Gesture in Science Learning Environments Paper School of Computing and Augmented Intelligence
Linh T. Huynh PhD student Presenting author Computational Analyses of Constructed Responses Reveal Levels of Comprehension Leveraging Constructed Responses to Understand Text Comprehension Poster Department of Psychology
Mohammed Ibrahim PhD student, Educational Policy and Evaluation Presenting author STEM Aspirations Among Burundian Refugee Families: A Qualitative Analysis of Gender, Race and Ethnic Heritage (Un)Masking Intersectional Experiences and Concerns in K–12 STEM Education Paper MLFTC
Jayley Ann Janssen Graduate teaching associate Non-presenting author Associations Between Teacher and Student Mathematics, Science and Literacy Anxiety in Fourth Grade Identifying, Understanding and Addressing Elementary Students' Negative STEM Emotions and Beliefs Symposium T. Denny Sanford School of Social and Family Dynamics
Jeong Im Jin PhD student, Educational Policy and Evaluation Presenting author How Does Teacher Capital Contribute to Student Achievement Within Dynamic School Contexts? Education Policy and Finance Virtual Roundtable Roundtable MLFTC
Garrett L. Johnson Graduate research assistant Presenting author Teachers' Experiences Co-Designing Neurodiverse Pedagogies for Computational Thinking Equity, Community and Citizenship Poster School of Arts, Media and Engineering
Rebekah Jongewaard PhD student, Learning, Literacies and Technologies Presenting author Development and Validation of the Uncertainty Management in Problem-Based Learning Scale in Postsecondary STEM Education Teacher and Teacher Preparation Poster Session 2 Poster MLFTC
Michelle Jordan Associate professor Presenting author Exploring Science Teachers' Perceptions and Management of Students' Desirable Uncertainty Analyzing Youths' and Teachers' Science Practices as a Vital Part of Learning and Instruction Paper MLFTC
Michelle Jordan Associate professor Non-presenting author Theoretical Framework for Understanding Student Experiences of Productive Struggle: Types, Sources and Desirability of Uncertainties Supporting Students Through Learning Sciences Research Paper MLFTC
Michelle Jordan Associate professor Presenting author Preservice Teachers' Visions for Action-Oriented Pedagogies for Sustainability Education Teacher and Teacher Preparation Poster Session 2 Poster MLFTC
Michelle Jordan Associate professor Non-presenting author Feeling Confused Versus Feeling Uncertain: Do Tasks Help Differentiate These Two Academic Experiences? Putting Tasks Under the Microscope: Task Features Triggering Emotions and Modulating Their Effects on Learning Symposium MLFTC
Michelle Jordan Associate professor Presenting author In Pursuit of Consequential Learning: Interrogating an Informal Community-Based Engineering Program for Middle and High School Youth STEM, Civic Engagement and Critical Pedagogy: Examining Opportunities and Barriers to Activism for Community Empowerment Paper MLFTC
Eugene Judson Professor Presenting author STEM Aspirations Among Burundian Refugee Families: A Qualitative Analysis of Gender, Race and Ethnic Heritage (Un)Masking Intersectional Experiences and Concerns in K–12 STEM Education Paper MLFTC
Lauren I. Katzman Research associate professor; executive director, Urban Collaborative Presenting author Deepening Educational Equity Indicators for Students With Disabilities and Multilingual Learners Toward More Just Supports for Dual Language Learners in Special and Inclusive Education Roundtable MLFTC
Yalda M. Kaveh Assistant professor Presenting author Intersecting Pressures of Linguistic Motherwork Supporting Children in Bilingual Education During the COVID-19 Pandemic Language Perspectives Roundtable MLFTC
Yalda M. Kaveh Assistant professor Presenting author Critically Conscious Family Engagement in a Virtual Dual-Language Kindergarten Class During a Pandemic Case Studies of Critically Conscious Practice in Dual-Language Bilingual Education Schools, Classrooms and Communities Poster MLFTC
Robert C. Kleinsasser Associate professor Presenting author Teaching and Teacher Education: An International Journal of Research and Studies Journal Talks - 4 Roundtable MLFTC
Mirka E. Koro Professor; director of doctoral programs Presenting author Reducing Methodological Footprints in Qualitative Research Reflexivities, Positionalities and Interrogations Paper MLFTC
Mirka E. Koro Professor; director of doctoral programs Chair; presenting author Scaling as Methodological and Material Activation Technique Rethinking Methodologies Paper MLFTC
Mirka E. Koro Professor; director of doctoral programs Presenting author Everyday Refugees: Experiences of Syrian Refugee Teachers Notes From the Field: Community-Based Perspectives on Race and Opportunity Roundtable MLFTC
Mirka E. Koro Professor; director of doctoral programs Presenting author (Un)Stuck With "Methodological Subjects": Reconsidering the Role of "Subject" in Qualitative Inquiry Figurations and Interrogations in Qualitative Methodology Roundtable MLFTC
Mirka E. Koro Professor; director of doctoral programs Presenting author Teachers' Experiences Co-Designing Neurodiverse Pedagogies for Computational Thinking Equity, Community and Citizenship Poster MLFTC
Mirka E. Koro Professor; director of doctoral programs Discussant Resisting and Reframing: Interrogating Qualitative Methods and Approaches Paper MLFTC
Germaine Koziarski PhD student, Learning, Literacies and Technologies Presenting author How Special and General Education Co-Teachers Negotiate and Enact Their Roles in Inclusive Classrooms Centering Inclusion and Diversity When Engaging in K–12 Classroom Observations Paper MLFTC
Germaine Koziarski PhD student, Learning, Literacies and Technologies Presenting author Project Coordinate: Impact of Content-Focused Lesson Study on Teacher Knowledge, Collaboration, and Multi-Tiered Systems of Support Instruction Preparing Special Educators: Recruitment, Roles, Support, Knowledge and Development Paper MLFTC
Pamela H. Kulinna Professor Presenting author Varied Perspectives on the Mentoring Process in Physical Education Teacher Education Part 2 Research on Learning and Instruction in Physical Education SIG (#93) Invisible College Pre-conference mentoring MLFTC
Pamela H. Kulinna Professor Presenting author Examination of Relationship Between Policy Strength and Physical Activity Practices in Arizona Public Elementary Schools Research on Physical Education Students and Policy Roundtable MLFTC
Terri L. Kurz Associate professor Non-presenting author Factors Affecting Preservice Mathematics Teachers' Spatial Orientation Errors and Causes Behind Those Errors Teacher and Student Beliefs and Practices Around Mathematics, Errors, Assessment and Space Paper MLFTC
Prince K. Kwarase PhD student, Educational Policy and Evaluation Presenting author A Multinational e-Learning Partnership and Initiative: Program Successes A Multinational e-Learning Partnership and Initiative: Increasing Student Learning by Building Infrastructure, Capacities and Competencies Symposium MLFTC
Prince K. Kwarase PhD student, Educational Policy and Evaluation Presenting author Cultural (In)Congruence: How Black Women Navigate Individual, Academic and Societal Dimensions of Engineering Navigating Gaps, Fractures and Incongruencies Across Difference Roundtable MLFTC
Lara Law Graduate student Presenting author Alternatives to School Policing and Punitive Approaches: Programs and Practices to Promote a Safe Campus Frames and Drivers of Discipline and School Policing Reform Roundtable Watts College of Public Service and Community Solutions
J'Shon Lee PhD student, Learning, Literacies and Technologies Non-presenting author The Role of State Standards Committees in Challenging or Maintaining Color-Evasive Social Studies Racecraft and Racial Realism in Social Studies Education Roundtable MLFTC
Stephen Michael Lemerand Program coordinator senior Chair Interrogating Workplaces of the Academy Paper Multicultural Communities of Excellence
Roy Levy Professor Discussant Bayesian Techniques in Structural Equation Modeling Paper T. Denny Sanford School of Social and Family Dynamics
Roy Levy Professor Presenting author Precluding Interpretational Confounding in Factor Analysis via Measurement and Uncertainty Preserving Parametric Modeling Measurement Invariance, Model Selection and Measurement Uncertainty in Structural Equation Modeling Paper T. Denny Sanford School of Social and Family Dynamics
Daniel D. Liou Associate professor Participant Review of Educational Research Closed Editorial Board Meeting Governance MLFTC
Charlton Long PhD student, Learning, Literacies and Technologies Presenting author Braiding Positionality: Toward a Collaborative Praxis of Living Multiple Identities Indigenous Identities, Positionalities and Solidarities in Education Paper MLFTC
Charlton Long PhD student, Learning, Literacies and Technologies Presenting author "I Deserve to Be Here!" Centering First-Generation Students' Community Cultural Wealth in Elite College Experiences Diverse Postsecondary Student Learning and Experiences Paper MLFTC
Mara Lopez Senior project manager, research Presenting author Ain't Nobody Got Time for That: Racial Battle Fatigue due to White Obliviousness White Obliviousness: Voicing Faculty of Color Experiences With Racism and Racial Fatigue Roundtable Center for Broadening Participation in STEM
Rufan Luo Assistant professor Chair; presenting author Emergent Literacy in Children of Migrant Farmworkers: The Complementary Roles of Home and Classroom Activities Dual Language Learners' Language and Literacy Experiences in Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Global Contexts Symposium School of Social and Behavioral Sciences
Rufan Luo Assistant professor Non-presenting author Engagement and Effects of Chinese Dual Language Learners' Language and Literacy Activities Dual Language Learners' Language and Literacy Experiences in Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Global Contexts Symposium School of Social and Behavioral Sciences
Debalina Maitra Associate research scientist Presenting author Between Two Worlds: Exploring Black Women's Marginalized Experiences in Engineering Doctoral Programs Living and Learning at the Margins: Undocumented, Immigrant and Students of Color Navigating Postsecondary Institutions Roundtable Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Janice Mak Clinical assistant professor Presenting author Co-Designing an Agenda of Consequence: Advancing the Opportunity for a Data-Inclusive Approach to Preservice Teacher Education Co-Constructing Systemic Support for Sustaining Humanizing and Inclusive Computer Science Teacher Education Symposium MLFTC
Scott C. Marley Associate professor Presenting author Does Professional Development in Drama-Based Instruction Influence Preschool Teachers' Developmental Knowledge, Teaching Self-Efficacy and Beliefs About Drama? Methods, Histories and Outcomes in Drama/Theater Education Paper MLFTC
Mary McAvoy Associate professor Officer Arts and Learning SIG Business Meeting Business meeting School of Music, Dance and Theatre
Stephanie McBride-Schreiner Scholarly communications publication manager Non-presenting author What Counts? Who Counts? A Humble Proposal for Improving Faculty Scholarly Assessment Research and Application in Faculty Teaching, Evaluation and Development Roundtable MLFTC
Joyce M. McCall Assistant professor Chair "Level Up": Demystifying the Pathway to the Professorship Through Mentoring Pre-conference mentoring School of Music, Dance and Theatre
Joyce M. McCall Assistant professor Chair Annual Meeting Social Justice Action Committee Session: Blackademics as Prophetic Witnesses and the Continuing Struggle for Racial Justice in Higher Education Symposium School of Music, Dance and Theatre
Joyce M. McCall Assistant professor Presenting author "Four Women": Black Who Is Woman Annual Meeting Social Justice Action Committee Session. Black at School: Black Teachers, Black Students and Antiblack Hostilities in Pre-K–20 Institutions Symposium School of Music, Dance and Theatre
Keon M. McGuire Associate professor Participant Educational Researcher Closed Editorial Board Meeting Governance MLFTC
Danielle S. McNamara Professor; affiliate faculty Non-presenting author The Role of Reader Characteristics and Depth of Engagement in Understanding Controversial Information About Vaccines Literacy Poster Session 3 Poster Department of Psychology
Danielle S. McNamara Professor; affiliate faculty Chair; presenting author Analytic Methods for Analyzing Expert Coded and Computationally Processed Data From Constructed Responses Leveraging Constructed Responses to Understand Text Comprehension Poster Department of Psychology
Danielle S. McNamara Professor; affiliate faculty Non-presenting author Patterns of Strategy Use When Understanding Scientific Texts Leveraging Constructed Responses to Understand Text Comprehension Poster Department of Psychology
Danielle S. McNamara Professor; affiliate faculty Non-presenting author Measurement of Prior Knowledge in Multiple Document Comprehension Research: A Psychometric Review Multiple Document Reading and Writing Paper Department of Psychology
Daniel McNeish Associate professor Non-presenting author How Fair Is My Test? A Ratio Coefficient to Help Represent Consequential Validity Research in Test Validity Poster Department of Psychology
Abemelec Mercado Rivera Graduate student Presenting author Hispanic-Serving Institutions Ways of Funding and the Impact on Graduate Students' Time to Degree Doctoral Education and the Global South Roundtable Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Carlos Meza-Torres PhD student, Learning, Literacies and Technologies Presenting author Exploring Science Teachers' Perceptions and Management of Students' Desirable Uncertainty Analyzing Youths' and Teachers' Science Practices as a Vital Part of Learning and Instruction Paper MLFTC
Carlos Meza-Torres PhD student, Learning, Literacies and Technologies Non-presenting author Theoretical Framework for Understanding Student Experiences of Productive Struggle: Types, Sources and Desirability of Uncertainties Supporting Students Through Learning Sciences Research Paper MLFTC
Carlos Meza-Torres PhD student, Learning, Literacies and Technologies Presenting author In Pursuit of Consequential Learning: Interrogating an Informal Community-Based Engineering Program for Middle and High School Youth STEM, Civic Engagement and Critical Pedagogy: Examining Opportunities and Barriers to Activism for Community Empowerment Paper MLFTC
Hyungsik Min PhD student, Learning, Literacies and Technologies Presenting author Varied Perspectives on the Mentoring Process in Physical Education Teacher Education Part 2 Research on Learning and Instruction in Physical Education SIG (#93) Invisible College Pre-conference mentoring MLFTC
Punya Mishra Associate dean; professor Presenting author Reforming Our School Systems Around a Humanizing Curriculum: Schooling During and After COVID-19 Conceptualizing Efforts to Bring About More Humanizing Educational Institutions: Perspectives From Research + Practice Symposium MLFTC
Saida Mohamed PhD student, Learning, Literacies and Technologies Presenting author STEM Aspirations Among Burundian Refugee Families: A Qualitative Analysis of Gender, Race and Ethnic Heritage (Un)Masking Intersectional Experiences and Concerns in K–12 STEM Education Paper MLFTC
Saida Mohamed PhD student, Learning, Literacies and Technologies Presenting author Somali Children and Qur'anic Literacy Practice: The Case of Three Somali Refugee Families Living in Kenya Toward a Humanizing and Equitable Discourse With Refugee Newcomers: Resisting the Double Standard Symposium MLFTC
Natalie Nailor Senior program strategist Presenting author Examining Career and Technical Education Students' of Color Beliefs about the Education Profession Career and Technical Education SIG Paper Session: Career and Technical Education Student Persistence, Completion and Outcomes Paper MLFTC
Kahyun Nam PhD student, Learning, Literacies and Technologies Presenting author Examination of Relationship Between Policy Strength and Physical Activity Practices in Arizona Public Elementary Schools Research on Physical Education Students and Policy Roundtable MLFTC
Natalie Newton Research specialist Presenting author Identifying How Comprehension Strategy Use Is Affected by Instructional Prompts, Education Levels and Text Domain Leveraging Constructed Responses to Understand Text Comprehension Poster Department of Psychology
Natalie Newton Research specialist Non-presenting author Quantified Qualitative Coding of Constructed Responses: Rubric Development Leveraging Constructed Responses to Understand Text Comprehension Poster Department of Psychology
Natalie Newton Research specialist Non-presenting author Patterns of Strategy Use When Understanding Scientific Texts Leveraging Constructed Responses to Understand Text Comprehension Poster Department of Psychology
Ann Walker Nielsen Director, Office of Global Engagement Presenting author A Multinational e-Learning Partnership and Initiative: Program-Based Recommendations A Multinational e-Learning Partnership and Initiative: Increasing Student Learning by Building Infrastructure, Capacities and Competencies Symposium MLFTC
Tara Monique Nkrumah Assistant professor Presenting author Building Bold, Brave Bridges to Equity in Science Education Centering Equity and Justice in STEM Teacher Education: Practical and Theoretical Considerations for the Field Invited speaker MLFTC
Tara Monique Nkrumah Assistant professor Presenting author Science Lead Editors and Racial Equity: An Investigation of the Journal Review Process Engaging Critical Methodological Approaches Paper MLFTC
Emily Nunez-Eddy PhD student, Educational Policy and Evaluation Presenting author "Not in My Town, Not on My Watch": A Critical Discourse Analysis of News Media Coverage of School Boards The "Truths" and Politics of School District Governance, Leadership and Social Justice in a Time of Increasing Controversy Speaker MLFTC
Emily Nunez-Eddy PhD student, Educational Policy and Evaluation Presenting author Navigating and Advancing Equity During a Perfect Storm: The Experiences of Black, Indigenous and People of Color School Board Members School Boards in the Storm: Local Governance and Controversy Paper MLFTC
O. Matthew Odebiyi Assistant professor Presenting author Lesson Design Actions: Developing Preservice Teachers' Pedagogical Design Capacity for Inquiry-Based Lessons Elicitation and Expertise in Social Studies Research and Teacher Education Roundtable MLFTC
O. Matthew Odebiyi Assistant professor Officer Caribbean and African Studies in Education SIG Business Meeting Business meeting MLFTC
O. Matthew Odebiyi Assistant professor Presenting author Care and Justice: How Elementary Teachers' Experience Shapes Sense-Making of Social Issues Theories and Pedagogies of Care Roundtable MLFTC
O. Matthew Odebiyi Assistant professor Chair Perspectives on Global Immigrant/Migrant Education Roundtable MLFTC
O. Matthew Odebiyi Assistant professor Chair Social Studies in Elementary and Early Childhood Education Roundtable MLFTC
Seda Ozbek-Damar PhD student, Learning, Literacies and Technologies Presenting author Intersecting Pressures of Linguistic Motherwork Supporting Children in Bilingual Education During the COVID-19 Pandemic Language Perspectives Roundtable MLFTC
Jongchan Park PhD student, Learning, Literacies and Technologies Presenting author Exploring Science Teachers' Perceptions and Management of Students' Desirable Uncertainty Analyzing Youths' and Teachers' Science Practices as a Vital Part of Learning and Instruction Paper MLFTC
Jongchan Park PhD student, Learning, Literacies and Technologies Non-presenting author Effects of Knowledge Gap Tracker on Learning Processes and Outcome in Problem-Solving Followed by Instruction Digital Learning and Development Poster MLFTC
Jongchan Park PhD student, Learning, Literacies and Technologies Presenting author Problems of Problem-Based Learning: Exploring Meta-Agency in Problem-Based Cybersecurity Learning in College Education Postsecondary Students in Computing and Engineering Education Roundtable MLFTC
Jongchan Park PhD student, Learning, Literacies and Technologies Presenting author Development and Exploratory Factor Analysis of a Coping With Failure in Problem-Based Learning (CF-PBL) Scale Supporting Students Through Learning Sciences Research Paper MLFTC
Jongchan Park PhD student, Learning, Literacies and Technologies Presenting author Theoretical Framework for Understanding Student Experiences of Productive Struggle: Types, Sources and Desirability of Uncertainties Supporting Students Through Learning Sciences Research Paper MLFTC
Jongchan Park PhD student, Learning, Literacies and Technologies Presenting author Development and Validation of the Uncertainty Management in Problem-Based Learning Scale in Postsecondary STEM Education The Role of Emotion and Gesture in Science Learning Environments Paper MLFTC
Lirio Patton Clinical assistant professor Presenting author Planting Son Jarocho Fandango Culture as Culturally Sustaining Teaching and Learning at a Public University Advances in Arts and Learning Research Paper MLFTC
Margarita Pivovarova Associate professor Presenting author Arizona's Chronic Teacher Turnover: An Analysis of School-Level Factors Disruption, Burn and Churn: Examining and Understanding Teacher Turnover Paper MLFTC
Margarita Pivovarova Associate professor Presenting author Immigrant Parents' Participation in Public School Choice: Evidence From the Parent and Family Involvement Surveys, 2012–2019 School Choice: Investigating the Experiences of Who Chooses to Participate Paper MLFTC
Margarita Pivovarova Associate professor Non-presenting author Does the Home Literacy Environment Matter? Reading Achievement of Immigrant and Dual Language Students in Canada Home Literacy Environment Matters Paper MLFTC
Andrew Potter Postdoctoral research scholar Non-presenting author Middle School Writing Motivation: Profiles and Transition in Response to a Technology-Based Writing Intervention Literacy Poster Session 2 Poster Department of Psychology
Andrew Potter Postdoctoral research scholar Presenting author Linguistic Analysis of Source-Based Writing of Developmental College Writers From Adolescence to College Ready: Literacy Learning and Teaching of Older Students Paper Department of Psychology
Allison Poulos Assistant professor Non-presenting author Examination of Relationship Between Policy Strength and Physical Activity Practices in Arizona Public Elementary Schools Research on Physical Education Students and Policy Roundtable College of Health Solutions
Tunette Powell Assistant professor Presenting author Methods Toward Black Freedom Dreaming: Intergenerational Work With Black Families Strengthening the Voice of Black Families in Family, School, Community Partnerships Paper T. Denny Sanford School of Social and Family Dynamics
Jeanne M. Powers Professor Non-presenting author Arizona's Chronic Teacher Turnover: An Analysis of School-Level Factors Disruption, Burn and Churn: Examining and Understanding Teacher Turnover Paper MLFTC
Jeanne M. Powers Professor Presenting author Immigrant Parents' Participation in Public School Choice: Evidence From the Parent and Family Involvement Surveys, 2012–2019 School Choice: Investigating the Experiences of Who Chooses to Participate Paper MLFTC
Jeanne M. Powers Professor Chair Charters and School Choice SIG Business Meeting Business meeting MLFTC
Madison Rock Project manager Presenting author Inclusive Civic Education and School Democracy: Bounded Case Studies of School Participatory Budgeting Reimagining Pedagogies for Democratic Citizenship Paper Center for the Future of Arizona
Cristobal Rodriguez Associate professor Chair Strategies for Opportunity: Examining How Race and Place Limit Access to Resources and Curricular Programs for All Roundtable MLFTC
Cristobal Rodriguez Associate professor Discussant Ensuring Inclusive Education: Gender, Culture and Community Paper MLFTC
Cristobal Rodriguez Associate professor Chair The Racial Consequences of Law and Policy: (In)Equitable Student Discipline Roundtable MLFTC
Cristobal Rodriguez Associate professor Discussant From Critical Race Theory Bans to Automatic Admissions: Examining Equity Outcomes of Policy Decisions Paper MLFTC
Cristobal Rodriguez Associate professor Discussant Intersecting With Race: Considerations in Working With Diverse Populations Paper MLFTC
Cristobal Rodriguez Associate professor Discussant Interrogating Organizational Change and Reform in Postsecondary Education Paper MLFTC
Cristobal Rodriguez Associate professor Discussant Understanding and Enacting Equitable Practices: Developing a Shared Understanding of Equity-Centered Work Paper MLFTC
Sara Rodriguez Martinez PhD student, Educational Policy and Evaluation Non-presenting author Teacher Beliefs About Multilingual Learners: How Language Ideologies Shape Teachers' Hypothetical Policy Making Challenging Erasure, Symbolic Violence and Assumptions of Race and Language Roundtable MLFTC
Sara Rodriguez Martinez PhD student, Educational Policy and Evaluation Presenting author Intersecting Pressures of Linguistic Motherwork Supporting Children in Bilingual Education During the COVID-19 Pandemic Language Perspectives Roundtable MLFTC
Elizabeth Anne Ruiz PhD student, Educational Policy and Evaluation Presenting author Supporting Special Education Teams Through Intersectionally Conscious Collaboration Division H Graduate Student Poster Session: Perspectives on Research, Evaluation, Assessment and Accountability in Schools Poster MLFTC
Elizabeth Anne Ruiz PhD student, Educational Policy and Evaluation Presenting author Weaving Familial Stories: A Conceptual Special Education Framework of Decolonial Praxis Indigenous Presence: Decolonial Pathways in Indigenous Teaching and Teacher Education Paper MLFTC
Elizabeth Anne Ruiz PhD student, Educational Policy and Evaluation Presenting author Examining Career and Technical Education Students' of Color Beliefs about the Education Profession Career and Technical Education SIG Paper Session: Career and Technical Education Student Persistence, Completion and Outcomes Paper MLFTC
Elizabeth Anne Ruiz PhD student, Educational Policy and Evaluation Presenting author Leveraging Hope in Times of Crises: STEM Teachers' Lives and Experiences During COVID-19 Education During Disruptions: Hope, Stress and Well-Being Throughout the COVID-19 Pandemic Paper MLFTC
Providence Ryan EdD student, Leadership and Innovation Presenting author Exploring Professional Development Models for LGBTQIA+-Inclusive and Gender-Expansive Pedagogy Gender-Expansive and Democratizing Teacher Education: Envisioning Teaching and Teacher Education for Intersectional Justice Symposium MLFTC
Carrie Sampson Associate professor Chair Inquiry for Truth: Epistemological Narrative and Testimonio as Self-Discovery and Community Building Symposium MLFTC
Carrie Sampson Associate professor Presenting author "Not in My Town, Not on My Watch": A Critical Discourse Analysis of News Media Coverage of School Boards The "Truths" and Politics of School District Governance, Leadership and Social Justice in a Time of Increasing Controversy Speaker MLFTC
Carrie Sampson Associate professor Presenting author Navigating and Advancing Equity During a Perfect Storm: The Experiences of Black, Indigenous and People of Color School Board Members School Boards in the Storm: Local Governance and Controversy Paper MLFTC
Stephanie Santos Youngblood EdD student, Leadership and Innovation Presenting author "I Deserve to Be Here!" Centering First-Generation Students' Community Cultural Wealth in Elite College Experiences Diverse Postsecondary Student Learning and Experiences Paper MLFTC
Daniel Schugurensky Professor Presenting author Alternatives to School Policing and Punitive Approaches: Programs and Practices to Promote a Safe Campus Frames and Drivers of Discipline and School Policing Reform Roundtable School of Public Affairs and Transformation
Daniel Schugurensky Professor Presenting author Inclusive Civic Education and School Democracy: Bounded Case Studies of School Participatory Budgeting Reimagining Pedagogies for Democratic Citizenship Paper School of Public Affairs and Transformation
Marissa Schulke Graduate student Non-presenting author Examination of Relationship Between Policy Strength and Physical Activity Practices in Arizona Public Elementary Schools Research on Physical Education Students and Policy Roundtable College of Health Solutions
Himani Sharma Graduate student Presenting author Evaluation and Assessment of the Relevance of the Qualifying Exams in Chemical Engineering Graduate Students Academic Writing Difficulties and Motivation Roundtable Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Mitchell Shortt Postdoctoral Research Scholar Presenting author The Emergence and Escalation of Online Racial Discrimination in Digital Spaces: A Systematic Review of Literature Antiracist Educational Research for Social Transformation Roundtable Department of Psychology
Mitchell Shortt Postdoctoral Research Scholar Presenting author The Role of Students' Motivation in Engagement and Performance in Online Learning in Higher Education Settings: A Systematic Analytical Review Investigating Links Between Motivation and Performance in Online Learning Settings Paper Department of Psychology
Iveta Silova Associate dean; professor Presenting author A Multinational e-Learning Partnership and Initiative: Program Challenges A Multinational e-Learning Partnership and Initiative: Increasing Student Learning by Building Infrastructure, Capacities and Competencies Symposium MLFTC
Emily Starrett PhD student, Learning, Literacies and Technologies Presenting author Exploring Science Teachers' Perceptions and Management of Students' Desirable Uncertainty Analyzing Youths' and Teachers' Science Practices as a Vital Part of Learning and Instruction Paper MLFTC
Emily Starrett PhD student, Learning, Literacies and Technologies Non-presenting author Promoting Collaborative Study Strategy Use With Biology Undergraduate Students Cooperative Learning: Theory, Research and Practice SIG Roundtable Roundtable MLFTC
Emily Starrett PhD student, Learning, Literacies and Technologies Non-presenting author Theoretical Framework for Understanding Student Experiences of Productive Struggle: Types, Sources and Desirability of Uncertainties Supporting Students Through Learning Sciences Research Paper MLFTC
Makayla Steele Undergraduate student Presenting author Op-Ed #6. A Voucher by Any Other Name: Arizona's Empowerment Scholarship Accounts The School Voucher Illusion: Exposing the Pretense of Equity Symposium Department of English
Man Su PhD student, Learning, Literacies and Technologies Presenting author Demystifying the Underlying Truth Behind Science Processes: An Online Simulation Study Division C Science Poster Session 1 Poster MLFTC
Beth Blue Swadener Professor Emeritus Discussant Transforming Early-Years Policy in the United States Centering Equity and Inclusion: Provocations and a Call to Action Symposium School of Social Transformation
Amanda R. Tachine Assistant professor Presenting author Native Student Erasure in Education Data Contesting Racial, Ethnic and Indigenous Categorization in Higher Education Research and Practice Symposium MLFTC
Amanda R. Tachine Assistant professor Discussant Indigenous Students and Ableism in Special Education Speaker MLFTC
Maria Teresa Tatto Professor Presenting author Reimagining Sustainable Learning Futures: Developing Teachers' Research Capacity Toward Culturally Sustaining Humanizing Practices Imagining Sustainable Futures in Education Across Transnational, Ethnocultural and Language Communities Paper MLFTC
Maria Teresa Tatto Professor Chair; discussant Pedagogies of Resistance and Creativity Paper MLFTC
Maria Teresa Tatto Professor Participant Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis Closed Editorial Board Meeting Governance MLFTC
Maria Teresa Tatto Professor Chair Teaching Across Cultural and Transnational Settings Roundtable MLFTC
Ratrapee Inging Techawitthayachinda PhD student, Learning, Literacies and Technologies Non-presenting author Problems of Problem-Based Learning: Exploring Meta-Agency in Problem-Based Cybersecurity Learning in College Education Postsecondary Students in Computing and Engineering Education Roundtable MLFTC
Ratrapee Inging Techawitthayachinda PhD student, Learning, Literacies and Technologies Non-presenting author Development and Validation of the Uncertainty Management in Problem-Based Learning Scale in Postsecondary STEM Education The Role of Emotion and Gesture in Science Learning Environments Paper MLFTC
Rae Tewa PhD student, Educational Policy and Evaluation Chair Indigenous Students and Ableism in Special Education Speaker MLFTC
Rae Tewa PhD student, Educational Policy and Evaluation Presenting author Weaving Familial Stories: A Conceptual Special Education Framework of Decolonial Praxis Indigenous Presence: Decolonial Pathways in Indigenous Teaching and Teacher Education Paper MLFTC
Neelakshi Rajeev Tewari PhD student, Educational Policy and Evaluation Non-presenting author Bringing Futures Thinking to K–12 Schools Moving the Field Forward: Responsive Practices and Possibilities in Middle-Level Education Roundtable MLFTC
Keti Tsotniashvili Presenting author Cultural (In)Congruence: How Black Women Navigate Individual, Academic and Societal Dimensions of Engineering Navigating Gaps, Fractures and Incongruencies Across Difference Roundtable MLFTC
Adnan Turan PhD student, Educational Policy and Evaluation Presenting author Everyday Refugees: Experiences of Syrian Refugee Teachers Notes From the Field: Community-Based Perspectives on Race and Opportunity Roundtable MLFTC
Bregje van Geffen PhD student, Learning, Literacies and Technologies Non-presenting author Bringing Futures Thinking to K–12 Schools Moving the Field Forward: Responsive Practices and Possibilities in Middle-Level Education Roundtable MLFTC
Lauren van Huisstede Postdoctoral scholar Non-presenting author Does Professional Development in Drama-Based Instruction Influence Preschool Teachers' Developmental Knowledge, Teaching Self-Efficacy and Beliefs About Drama? Methods, Histories and Outcomes in Drama/Theater Education Paper MLFTC
Anani M. Vasquez PhD student, Learning, Literacies and Technologies Presenting author (Un)Stuck With "Methodological Subjects": Reconsidering the Role of "Subject" in Qualitative Inquiry Figurations and Interrogations in Qualitative Methodology Roundtable MLFTC
Anani M. Vasquez PhD student, Learning, Literacies and Technologies Presenting author Teachers' Experiences Co-Designing Neurodiverse Pedagogies for Computational Thinking Equity, Community and Citizenship Poster MLFTC
Mariia Vitrukh PhD student, Educational Policy and Evaluation Presenting author (Un)Stuck With "Methodological Subjects": Reconsidering the Role of "Subject" in Qualitative Inquiry Figurations and Interrogations in Qualitative Methodology Roundtable MLFTC
Pauline Wambua Postdoctoral research scholar Presenting author A Multinational e-Learning Partnership and Initiative: Program-Based Recommendations A Multinational e-Learning Partnership and Initiative: Increasing Student Learning by Building Infrastructure, Capacities and Competencies Symposium MLFTC
Kylie Wilson Graduate student Non-presenting author Examination of Relationship Between Policy Strength and Physical Activity Practices in Arizona Public Elementary Schools Research on Physical Education Students and Policy Roundtable College of Health Sciences
Leigh Graves Wolf Clinical associate professor Discussant Online Pedagogies for K–12 Education Roundtable MLFTC
Leigh Graves Wolf Clinical associate professor Discussant Pedagogical Context of International Higher Education Paper MLFTC
Leigh Graves Wolf Clinical associate professor Chair; discussant Using Technology to Enhance Teacher Learning Roundtable MLFTC
Leigh Graves Wolf Clinical associate professor Chair Virtual Reality Learning Environments Paper MLFTC
Wendy Wolfersteig Director, evaluation and partner contracts; associate professor Presenting author Alternatives to School Policing and Punitive Approaches: Programs and Practices to Promote a Safe Campus Frames and Drivers of Discipline and School Policing Reform Roundtable Southwest Interdisciplinary Research Center
Ruth Wylie Assistant director; associate professor Presenting author Bringing Futures Thinking to K–12 Schools Moving the Field Forward: Responsive Practices and Possibilities in Middle-Level Education Roundtable Center for Science and the Imagination; MLFTC
Lin Yan Non-presenting author Promoting Collaborative Study Strategy Use With Biology Undergraduate Students Cooperative Learning: Theory, Research and Practice SIG Roundtable Roundtable MLFTC
Yi Zheng Associate professor Non-presenting author Incorporating Response Time Into On-the-Fly Multistage Adaptive Testing for PISA Item Response Theory Paper MLFTC
Steven J. Zuiker Associate professor Non-presenting author In Pursuit of Consequential Learning: Interrogating an Informal Community-Based Engineering Program for Middle and High School Youth STEM, Civic Engagement and Critical Pedagogy: Examining Opportunities and Barriers to Activism for Community Empowerment Paper MLFTC