Arizona’s Early Childhood Day at the Capitol

 8:30 AM
 5 hours

Contact us:

Chanda Crabtree

All times listed are in Arizona time (MST).
What time is it in Arizona?

Join us in celebrating and advocating for Arizona’s youngest learners!

Investing in early childhood strengthens communities and sets children on a path to success. This special event brings together educators, families, and community leaders to highlight the impact of quality early learning programs. 
Your participation helps showcase the importance of early childhood education and the benefits it brings to all Arizonans.

What to Expect:
    • Walking tours of the Capitol, wear comfortable shoes. 
    • Networking with early childhood advocates.
    • Engaging activities focused on early learning.

    • Parking is limited. Plan to pay to park or use public transportation.
    • We encourage you to wear ASU clothing/colors to connect with other ASU students. 
    • Registration is required. 
    • Clear bag-policy will be enforced.

Location: Arizona State Capitol
Wesley Bolin Plaza
1700 W Washington St. 
Phoenix, AZ 85007