U.S. Embassy Guatemala’s Public Diplomacy Section (PDS) of the U.S. Department of State is pleased to announce funding now available through its Public Diplomacy Small Grants Program. This Annual Program Statement outlines our funding priorities, the strategic themes on which we focus, and procedures for submitting funding requests. Please follow carefully all instructions below.

PAS Philippines invites proposals for projects that strengthen ties between the Philippines and the United States through programming that highlights shared values and promotes bilateral cooperation. All programs must include an American cultural element or connection with American expert(s), organization(s), or institution(s) in a specific field that will promote an increased understanding of U.S. policies and perspectives.  
Priority Program Areas 

The United States-Japan Foundation supports innovative education projects that help young Americans and Japanese learn about each other’s society, culture, and country as well as learn to work together on issues of common concern. The Foundation focuses on K-12 education and throughout its history has been at the forefront of supporting teacher professional development projects that train US teachers to teach about Japan and Japanese teachers to teach about the United States.

Through this initiative, the Foundation seeks ambitious projects that confront gaps in undergraduates’ civic knowledge and prepares them for the intellectual demands of democratic participation. Successful proposals will seek to promote learning about the formation of the American republic, the crafting of its Constitution, the history of contention over the interpretation of the Constitution, the development of representative political structures, and the principles of democracy.

The Public Diplomacy Section (PDS) of the U.S. Mission to Pakistan of the U.S. Department of State is pleased to announce an open competition for awards available through the Mission Pakistan Public Diplomacy Grants Program. This Annual Program Statement (APS) outlines our broad funding priorities, strategic themes, and the procedure for submitting requests for funding. Applications for funding will be accepted until June 30, 2024. Applicants may apply for funding for small grants (between $10,000 and $40,000) or large grants (between $50,000 and $150,000).

PDS Mogadishu invites proposals for programs that strengthen cultural, academic, and professional ties between the United States and Somalia through programming and exchanges that highlight shared values and promote bilateral cooperation.  All programs must include an American cultural element and/or connection(s) with American expert(s), organization(s), or institution(s) that will promote increased understanding of U.S. policy and perspectives.

At the core of our model are our partnerships with courageous, dynamic organizations that are improving the lives of children and youth in the heart of their own communities.

We eagerly look for new organizations to partner with across the globe, based on our regional strategies, and particularly when we launch and expand thematic and regional initiatives. Please explore information about our regional strategies and initiatives in Africa, the Americas, Europe and Eurasia, and Asia.

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